quotations about love

Son, if a maiden love thee, thou shalt appear handsome in her sight; she shall praise thine eyes, and the corners of thy mouth, yea, she shall admire thy hands. Though thou wert even as the orangutan yet shall she paint thee with fancies.


The Maxims of Methuselah

Tags: Gelett Burgess

What a strange world it is where you can have as much sex as you like but love is taboo. I'm talking about the real thing, the grand passion, which may not allow affection or convenience or happiness. The truth is that love smashes into your life like an ice floe, and even if your heart is built like the Titanic you go down. That's the size of it, the immensity of it. It's not proper, it's not clean, it's not containable.


The Powerbook

Happy is love or friendship when returned--
The lovers whose pure flames have equal burned.



Tags: Bion of Smyrna

Love's dream, too, knows decay;
Awhile the soul-harp's wildly thrilling strain
Pours out those notes we ne'er forget again,
And the deep fountains of the heart burst forth
As if to gladden every spot of earth;
But O! it will not stay.


"Song of the Earth-Weary"

Tags: Mary T. Lathrap

It's easy to live when you're in love.


"Easy Living"

Love knows no law.


The world gets grimy and the love object is in stark relief from it's surroundings. This is love, a pretty thing on an ugly street.



I tell thee Love is Nature's second sun,
Causing a spring of virtues where he shines.


All Fools

Tags: George Chapman

Love born of anxiety resembles a thorn shaped so that efforts to pull it out of one's flesh merely cause it to penetrate more deeply therein.


An Art of Living

Expressing love is one of the most beautiful things of life -- for husbands and wives, children and parents, etc. I know that people often claim they prefer to express love by doing things like mowing lawns or making a nice dinner or buying gifts, etc. (There is even a popular book that has you take a questionnaire to find out what your primary way of showing love is so that people will be able to detect when you are showing love, in case you never verbally express it.) To be honest, I don't like promoting the idea that some people are just programmed to express love in certain ways, and not in others. There! I said it. (Sorry if you're a big fan of the book!) I say we don't let a questionnaire or our previous habits and norms limit us. How about we ALL learn to express love -- verbally -- with words!


"The Language of Love", Danny + Mara, December 12, 2012

Tags: love

True love, selfless love, does not wither as beauty fades or life becomes difficult. If anything, its roots grow deeper and its branches spread farther with each shared experience.


"Music and the Spoken Word: What love is", Deseret News, April 2, 2016

And love is part and union in itself
Of all that is in nature, brilliant, pure--
Of all in feeling, sacred and sublime.



Tags: Philip James Bailey

Love is a process -- not a static condition. It's a commitment to do the work and come back into relationship with each other. To move through whatever gets in the way of your love for one another.


"3 Myths About Unconditional Love That Can Ruin Your Marriage", Good Men Project, December 25, 2015

You can run from love
And if it's really love it will find you
Catch you by the heel


"A Man and a Woman", How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb

See, chasing love does have its perks, but the best thing about chasing love? I've caught it, it feels just like home, and now I'm never letting go.


"Chasing Love, Is it Worth it?", Huffington Post, April 4, 2016

People think first love is sweet, and never sweeter than when that first bond snaps. You've heard a thousand pop and country songs that prove the point; some fool got his heart broke. Yet that first broken heart is always the most painful, the slowest to mend, and leaves the most visible scar. What's so sweet about that?



Tags: Stephen King

Love is a word from the old poems you read. In real life there is no love. Men come together like apes and birds. It is sweet sometimes to play with a woman, but the wind blows and there is an end of it.


Love and Death in Bali

Tags: Vicki Baum

Love is to be the lodestar of our lives and, if blessed with the capacity to exercise it, we can aspire to imitate God.


Love: A History

Love is an immortal wound that cannot be closed up. A person loses something, a part of her soul, when she loves someone. And she goes about looking for that lost part of her soul, for she knows that otherwise she is incomplete and cannot be at rest. It is only when she is with the person she loves that she becomes complete again in herself; but the moment he leaves, she loses that part which he has taken with him and knows no rest till she has found him once more.


Moment in Peking

Tags: Lin Yutang

True love survives all shocks: an affection originally produced by admiration for unusual beauty may not only survive the loss of that beauty, but may become more intense if the beauty has changed into ugliness through causes that bind the lovers together in tender associations.


Moods of Life