quotations about love

Those that go searching for love
only make manifest their own lovelessness,
and the loveless never find love,
only the loving find love,
and they never have to seek for it.


"Search for Love"

David Herbert Lawrence (11 September 1885 - 2 March 1930) was an English writer and poet. His collected works represent, among other things, an extended reflection on the dehumanizing effects of modernity and industrialization. His opinions earned him many enemies and he endured official persecution, censorship, and misrepresentation of his creative work throughout the second half of his life, much of which he spent in a voluntary exile he called his "savage pilgrimage".

I don't believe you ever stop loving anyone you ever really loved. You have them there like money in the bank just because you loved them and held them in your arms or dreamed you did. You can forget a lot of things in life, but not that honey to end all honeys.


A Dangerous Age

Tags: Ellen Gilchrist

Marriage--what an abomination! Love--yes, but not marriage. Love cannot exist in marriage, because love is an ideal; that is to say, something not quite understood--transparencies, colour, light, a sense of the unreal. But a wife--you know all about her--who her father was, who her mother was, what she thinks of you and her opinion of the neighbours over the way. Where, then, is the dream, the au dela? There is none. I say in marriage an au dela is impossible ... the endless duet of the marble and the water, the enervation of burning odours, the baptismal whiteness of women, light, ideal tissues, eyes strangely dark with kohl, names that evoke palm trees and ruins, Spanish moonlight or maybe Persepolis. The monosyllable which epitomizes the ennui and the prose of our lives is heard not, thought not there--only the nightingale-harmony of an eternal yes. Freedom limitless; the Mahometan stands on the verge of the abyss, and the spaces of perfume and colour extend and invite him with the whisper of a sweet unending yes. The unknown, the unreal ... Thus love is possible, there is a delusion, an au dela.


Confessions of a Young Man

Tags: George Moore

When you've lost all your play, guess what love becomes. Work. Work that gets harder every hour.


House of Meetings

Love is a sickness full of woes,
All remedies refusing:
A plant that with most cutting grows,
Most barren with best using.


Hymen's Triumph

Tags: Samuel Daniel

I've heard it called a Cinderella story, I've heard it called magic. But it's not magic, it's love. And when love is true from the heart, nothing magic about it.


"Love From the Ashes", KWTX, November 13, 2017

Love may be or it may not, but where it is, it ought to reveal itself in its immensity.


Letters of Two Brides

Tags: Honoré de Balzac

It is as absurd to deny that it is possible for a man always to love the same woman, as it would be to affirm that some famous musician needed several violins in order to execute a piece of music or compose a charming melody.


Physiology of Marriage

Tags: Honoré de Balzac

When love comes to town I'm gonna jump that train
When love comes to town I'm gonna catch that flame.
Maybe I was wrong to ever let you down
But I did what I did before love came to town.


"When Love Comes to Town", Rattle and Hum

I think love is serious. It's like an invention: sometimes it lies deep down inside you, great and quiet--and at other times it racks you and keeps you from sleeping.



Love makes its record in deeper colors as we grow out of childhood into manhood; as the Emperors signed their names in green ink when under age, but when of age, in purple.



Tags: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The flame of anger, bright and brief,
Sharpens the barb of Love.


Tell Me Not Things Past all Belief

Tags: Walter Savage Landor

I will love you as the iceberg loves the ship, and the passengers love the lifeboat and the lifeboat loves the teeth of the sperm whale, and the sperm whale loves the flavor of naval uniforms.


as Lemony Snicket, The Beatrice Letters

The strength of a love is always misjudged if we evaluate it by its immediate cause and not the stress that went before it, the dark and hollow space full of disappointment and loneliness that precedes all the great events in the heart's history.


The Burning Secret and Other Stories

Tags: Stefan Zweig

The gospel of love spread among a sex for the needs of militarism and the labor market has filled woman with the spiritual hysteria of apostleship.


"The Fools of Love", The Dry Rot of Society and Other Essays

Love is the building blocks of creation, love is the substance from which we are made. From love, to love, by love.


"What is love -- can it really be defined and explained?", The Guardian, February 12, 2016

Love is ... seeing your bodies become desiccated trees as if battered by many winds.


"Love is ... let me count the ways you are special", The Guardian, February 14, 2016

When does love cease? When one begins to love anew.


The Law of Love

Tags: Laura Esquivel

The heart is forever unfaithful, and the feelings of love will come and go, but true love is not about what you feel. It is about what you do.


The Lost Diary of Don Juan

Tags: Douglas Carlton Abrams

I swallowed hard. Was I ready for the Wager of Love? It was still a gamble and there would be no guarantee of happiness, but I would not remain one of the Cowards of Love scattered around me. I knew that one could not be the Empire's greatest lover without truly knowing how to love. And yet I no longer even aspired to this hollow title. I wanted only what every common husband can achieve--to be the greatest lover of my very own wife.


The Lost Diary of Don Juan

Tags: Douglas Carlton Abrams