American novelist (1960- )

I come out of streets where life itself--life itself!--depends on timing more infinitesimal than the split second, where apprehension must be swifter than the speed of light.


Just Above My Head

Tags: life

Time: the whisper beneath that word is death.


Just Above My Head

Tags: death

But there is a complementary faith among the damned which involves their gathering of the stones with which those who walk in the light shall stone them; or there exists among the intolerably degraded the perverse and powerful desire to force into the arena of the actual those fantastic crimes if which they have been accused, achieving their vengeance and their own destruction through making the nightmare real.


Notes of a Native Son

Tags: desire

People who shut their eyes to reality simply invite their own destruction, and anyone who insists on remaining in a state of innocence long after that innocence is dead turns himself into a monster.


Notes of a Native Son

Tags: innocence

Hatred, which could destroy so much, never failed to destroy the man who hated and this was an immutable law.


Notes of a Native Son

Tags: law

See, I couldn't stand these chicks I was making it with, and I was working real hard at my music, and man, I was lonely. You come off a gig, you be tired, and you'd already taken as much sh*t as you could stand from the managers and the people in the room you were working and you'd be off to make some down scene with some pasty white-faced b*tch. And so you'd make the scene and somehow you'd wake up in the morning and the chick would be beside you, alive and well, and dying to make the scene again and somehow you'd manage not to strangle her.


Blues for Mister Charlie

Tags: working

In any of the world’s cities, on a winter night, a boy can be bought for the price of a beer and the promise of warm blankets.


Another Country

Tags: beer

You don’t know, and there’s no way in the world for you to find out, what it’s like to be a black girl in this world, and the way white men, and black men, too, baby, treat you.


Another Country

Tags: Men

The rebirth of the soul is perpetual; only rebirth every hour could stay the hand of Satan.


Go Tell It on the Mountain

Tags: soul

Money, it turned out, was exactly like sex. You thought of nothing else if you didn't have it and thought of other things if you did.


"The Black Boy Looks at the White Boy", Esquire, May 1961

Tags: money

It is only in his music, which Americans are able to admire because a protective sentimentality limits their understanding of it, that the Negro in America has been able to tell his story. It is a story which otherwise has yet to be told and which no American is prepared to hear. As is the inevitable result of things unsaid, we find ourselves until today oppressed with a dangerous and reverberating silence.


Notes of a Native Son

Tags: America

But no one was interested in the facts. They preferred the invention because this invention expressed and corroborated their hates and fears so perfectly.


Notes of a Native Son

Tags: invention

But just as a society must have a scapegoat, so hatred must have a symbol.


Notes of a Native Son

Tags: society

The people who think of themselves as White have the choice of becoming human or irrelevant.


Notes of a Native Son

Tags: choice

They do not believe there can be tears between men. They think we are only playing a game and that we do it to shock them.


Another Country

Tags: Men

Out of joy strength came, strength that was fashioned to bear sorrow: sorrow brought forth joy. Forever? This was Ezekiel's wheel, in the middle of the burning air forever -- and the little wheel ran by faith, and the big wheel ran by the grace of God.


Go Tell It on the Mountain

Tags: joy

His mind was like the sea itself: troubled, and too deep for the bravest man's descent, throwing up now and again, for the naked eye to wonder at, treasure and debris long forgotten on the bottom—bones and jewels, fantastic shells, jelly that had once been flesh, pearls that had once been eyes. And he was at the mercy of this sea, hanging there with darkness all around him.


Go Tell It on the Mountain

Tags: Mercy

The impossible is the least that one can demand.


The Fire Next Time

An invented past can never be used; it cracks and crumbles under the pressures of life like clay in a season of drought.


The Fire Next Time

Tags: life

I do not know many Negroes who are eager to be "accepted" by white people, still less to be loved by them; they, the blacks, simply don't wish to be beaten over the head by the whites every instant of our brief passage on this planet.


"Letter from a Region of My Mind", The New Yorker, November 17, 1962

Tags: racism