American novelist (1960- )

All over Harlem, Negro boys and girls are growing into stunted maturity, trying desperately to find a place to stand; and the wonder is not that so many are ruined but that so many survive.


Notes of a Native Son

Tags: maturity

In Harlem, Negro policemen are feared more than whites, for they have more to prove and fewer ways to prove it.


Notes of a Native Son

And then they walked through the town, in which not even a cat seemed to be moving; and everywhere they walked, the cathedral was watching them.


Another Country

You took the best, so why not take the rest?


Another Country

I was in a terrible confusion. Sometimes I thought, but this is your life. Stop fighting it. Stop fighting. Or I thought, but I am happy. And he loves me. I am safe. Sometimes, when he was not near me, I thought, I will never let him touch me again. Then, when he touched me, I thought it doesn’t matter, it is only the body, it will soon be over. When it was over I lay in the dark and listened to his breathing and dreamed of the touch of hands, of Giovanni’s hands, or anybody’s hands, hands which would have the power to crush me and make me whole again.


Giovanni's Room

Tags: thought

Yet, if the American Negro has arrived at his identity by virtue of the absoluteness of his estrangement from his past, American white men still nourish the illusion that there is some means of recovering the European innocence, of returning to a state in which black men do not exist. This is one of the greatest errors Americans can make. The identity they fought so hard to protect has, by virtue of that battle, undergone a change: Americans are as unlike any other white people in the world as it is possible to be.


Notes of a Native Son

Tags: identity

You carry this pain around inside all day and all night long. No way to beat it--no way. But when I started getting high, I was cool, and it didn't bother me. And I wasn't lonely then, it was all right. And the chicks--I could handle them, they couldn't reach me. And I didn't know I was hooked--until I was hooked.


Blues for Mister Charlie

Tags: night

You haven’t got to be in love every time you go to bed.


Another Country

Tags: love

The betrayal of a belief is not the same thing as ceasing to believe. If this were not so there would be no moral standards in the world at all.


The Price of the Ticket

Tags: belief

The occurrence of an event is not the same thing as knowing what it is that one has lived through.


Another Country

The taste for obscenity is universal and the appetite for reality rare and hard to cultivate.


Another Country

Tags: reality

People don't have any mercy. They tear you limb from limb, in the name of love. Then, when you're dead, when they've killed you by what they made you go through, they say you didn't have any character. They weep big, bitter tears - not for you. For themselves, because they've lost their toy.


Another Country

Tags: character

When the white man came to Africa, the white man had the Bible and the African had the land, but now it is the white man who is being, reluctantly and bloodily, separated from the land, and the African who is still attempting to digest or to vomit up the Bible.


The Fire Next Time

I guess it can’t be too often that two people can laugh and make love, too, make love because they are laughing, laugh because they’re making love. The love and the laughter come from the same place: but not many people go there.


If Beale Street Could Talk

Tags: love

Time: the word tolled like the bells of a church.


If Beale Street Could Talk

Tags: church

The moment we cease to hold each other, the moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out.


The Fire Next Time

Tags: faith

One of the most American of attributes: the inability to believe that time is real. It is this inability which makes them so romantic about the nature of society, and it is this inability which has led them into a total confusion about the nature of experience.


Notes of a Native Son

Tags: nature

How can one respect, let alone adopt, the values of a people who do not, on any level whatever, live the way they say they do, or the way they say they should?


The Fire Next Time

Tags: respect

It is the question of Bigger's humanity which is at stake, the relationship in which he stands to all other Americans--and, by implication, to all people--and it is precisely this question which it cannot clarify, with which it cannot, in fact, come to any coherent terms. He is the monster created by the American republic, the present awful sum of generations of oppression; but to say that he is a monster is to fall into the trap of making him subhuman and he must, therefore, be made representative of a way of life which is real and human in precise ratio to the degree to which it seems to us monstrous and strange.


Notes of a Native Son

Tags: monster

Anyone who has ever struggled with poverty knows how extremely expensive it is to be poor.


Esquire, April 1960

Tags: poverty