quotations about work
Work is a surefire money-making scheme.
daily tip, official Dave Ramsey website
I think that this thing, my work, has made me, in a sense, what I am. The work possesses a consciousness which shapes that of the worker. The work flatters the worker. Only the strongest worker can do this work, the work says. You must be a fine fellow, that you can do this work. But disaffection is also possible. The worker grows careless. The worker pays slight regard to the work, he ignores the work, he flirts with other work, he is unfaithful to the work. The work is insulted. And perhaps it finds little ways of telling the worker... The work slips in the hands of the worker--a little cut on the finger. You understand? The work becomes slow, sulky, consumes more time, becomes more tiring. The gaiety that once existed between the worker and the work has evaporated. A fine situation! Don't you think?
"The Genius"
I can't abide to see men throw away their tools i' that way, the minute the clock begins to strike, as if they took no pleasure i' their work, and was afraid o' doing a stroke too much.... I hate to see a man's arms drop down as if he was shot, before the clock's fairly struck, just as if he'd never a bit o' pride and delight in's work. The very grindstone 'ull go on turning a bit after you loose it.
Adam Bede
Work is oft a four-letter word, bemoaned, begrudged and belittled by those bored by their nine-to-five routine.
"Faith: work is not a dirty word", The Age, March 25, 2017
When it comes to women and work, the largest myth of all is that working is somehow optional. Like men, women work for personal fulfillment and a passion for their job. Also like men, women work to support themselves and their families, and always have.
"We act as if work is optional for women. It's not.", The Washington Post, February 5, 2016
Women who don't go OUT to work, of course, are dismissed as homemakers or housewives, with little thought spared for the huge quantum of work they do. Once a baby arrive they become known as stay-at-home mothers (SAHM), perceived to be cooler because "mothering" is a little more specific.
"A Woman's Work Is Never Done ... But It Should Be", Huffington Post, January 2, 2016
Everyone should find something they love doing. Then work isn't work. It's a part of themselves. Of who they are.
The Quiet War
Sweat never drowned no one.
Savvy Sayin's
I think collaborative work is becoming more and more common. I now work in a world where I'm dealing with colleagues from somewhere in the region of 80 or 90 countries and, quite often, we're using some form of connected technology so we can all work together.
"Data is absolutely essential to the future of work", Silicon Republic, March 23, 2017