quotations about women

The original oppression of Woman was based on crude denigration. She caused Man to fall, so she became a scapegoat. No, not a scapegoat which might be blameless but a culprit richly deserving of whatever suffering Man chose thereafter to heap on her. That is Woman in the Book of Genesis. Out here, our ancestors, without the benefit of hearing about the Old Testament, made the very same story differing only in local color. At first the Sky was very close to the Earth. But every evening Woman cut off a piece of the Sky to put in her soup pot, or in another version, she repeatedly banged the top end of her pestle carelessly against the Sky whenever she pounded millet or, as in yet another rendering -- so prodigious is Man's inventiveness, she wiped her kitchen hands in the Sky's face. Whatever the detail of Woman's provocation, the Sky moved away in anger, and God with it.


Anthills of the Savannah

Tags: Chinua Achebe

The really clever thing, in affairs of this sort, is not to win a woman already desired by everyone, but to discover such a prize while she is still unknown.


This Business of Living, October 7, 1940

Tags: Cesare Pavese

You don't know a woman until you have had a letter from her.



Tags: Ada Leverson

We still think of a powerful man as a born leader and a powerful woman as an anomaly.


The Advertiser, September 9, 2004

Tags: Margaret Atwood

It is not extraordinary that the extraterrestrial origin of women was a recurrent theme of science fiction.


The King's English: A Guide to Modern English Usage

Tags: Kingsley Amis

The spirit of Eve is strong in all her daughters.


Rose in Bloom

Tags: Louisa May Alcott

The finest compliment that can be paid to a woman of sense is to address her as such.


Intuitions and Summaries of Thought

If family and society tell you its unfeminine, not really womanly, to be aggressive, to speak up, to have strong opinions, to take up space, then women won't trust their own voice, because to be heard and to be influential, you've got to have a way to sing out with passion and love and self-trust--to sing out your song for everyone to hear.


"What's Possible: An Interview With Elizabeth Lesser", Omega, May 8, 2012

Tags: Elizabeth Lesser

Women have traditionally been either put on pedestals or damned as the source of all sexual temptation and sin. These are two sides of the same coin, since both place women in a nonhuman role. Playboy has opposed these warped sexual values and, in so doing, helped women step down from their pedestals and enjoy their natural sexuality as much as men.


Playboy, January 1974

A woman's heart is much like the moon, always changing but always has a man in it.


Dictionary of Proverbs

Tags: Grenville Kleiser

Men can sleep with a different woman every night and indulge in the most revolting practices--but let an unmarried woman make one mistake, be led astray when she's young and silly and knows nothing of the world, and she's tainted for life and called a harlot!


Game of Patience

Some women destroy all your sensibility towards them by their coldness, others by their heat.


Maxims, Characters, and Reflections

Tags: Fulke Greville

This is woman's great benevolence, that she will become a martyr for beauty, so that the world may have pleasure.


Irish & English: Portraits and Impressions

Tags: Robert Wilson Lynd

I expect that Woman will be the last thing civilized by Man.


The Ordeal of Richard Feverel

Tags: George Meredith

These little women are very important, and those that appear to be the humblest, often assume great authority in their homes.


The Poetics of Space

Tags: Gaston Bachelard

I need a real MAN--
so, I can be a Woman--
We are different for good reasons.
We need each other like puzzle pieces.
To inspire greatness in each other.


blog post, Pamela Anderson Foundation, April 4, 2017

Tags: Pamela Anderson

When women express darker emotions, they are told to calm down, that their emotions are simply the result of "their time of the month," or that the emotional frustration they feel is not based in a rational (i.e., masculine) worldview. While men's emotional expression is marginalized as feminine, women's emotional expression is infantilized. It is in this repressed emotional space that the alarming sense of being gaslighted can emerge for women.


"Women Are Better At Expressing Emotions, Right? Why It's Not That Simple", Yes Magazine, January 27, 2016

Brother, do you know a nicer occupation,
Matter of fact, neither do I,
Than standing on the corner
Watching all the girls go by?


"Standing on the Corner"

Tags: Frank Loesser

While women once acquired relationship skills to "hook," "snare," or "catch" a husband who would provide access to economic security and social status, the position of contemporary women has not changed that radically. Much of our success still depends on our attunement to "male culture," our ability to please men, and our readiness to conform to the masculine values of our institutions.


The Dance of Intimacy: A Woman's Guide to Courageous Acts of Change in Key Relationships

Tags: Harriet Lerner

Women are like that they don't acquire knowledge of people we are for that they are just born with a practical fertility of suspicion that makes a crop every so often and usually right they have an affinity for evil for supplying whatever the evil lacks in itself for drawing it about them instinctively as you do bed-clothing in slumber fertilizing the mind for it until the evil has served its purpose whether it ever existed or no.


The Sound and the Fury

Tags: William Faulkner