quotations about women
A woman with fair opportunities, and without an absolute hump, may marry whom she likes. Only let us be thankful that the darlings are like the beasts of the field, and don't know their own power. They would overcome us entirely if they did.
Vanity Fair
A woman is rarely up to date on the subject of her age.
Poems and Paragraphs
The fear of women is the beginning of knowledge.
The Maxims of Methuselah
Someone once asked me why women don't gamble as much as men do, and I gave the commonsensical reply that we don't have as much money. That was a true but incomplete answer. In fact, women's total instinct for gambling is satisfied by marriage.
attributed, Quote Unquote
Great ladies ... are like the best sauces -- it is better not to know how they are made.
The Diary of a Chambermaid
An unsatisfied woman requires luxury, but a woman who is in love with a man will lie on a board.
An Art of Living
Women are seldom silent. Their beauty is forever speaking for them.
Helena's Husband
Why couldn't I be more like other girls my age? Take Mrs. Brown's niece. She spent every waking hour sizing up this beau or that, stitching tea towels and petticoats and putting aside a little each month for a set of Spode Buttercup dishes.
Hattie Ever After
Over a lifetime of dealing with difficult women, I have learned it is often better to give into their demands immediately.
When Demons Walk
You gotta respect a girl who realizes that romantic relationships are built on lies and goes to town with it!
"That Which Redeems", Sluggy Freelance, August 26, 2004
Man can never know the kind of loneliness a woman knows. Man lies in a woman's womb only to gather strength, he nourishes himself from this fusion, and then he rises and goes into the world, into his work, into battle, into art. He is not lonely. He is busy. The memory of the swim in amniotic fluid gives him energy, completion. The woman may be busy too, but she feels empty. Sensuality for her is not only a wave of pleasure in which he has bathed, and a charge of electric joy at contact with another. When man lies in her womb, she is fulfilled, each act of love is a taking of man within her, and act of birth and rebirth, of child bearing and man bearing. Man lies in her womb and is reborn each time anew with a desire to act, to BE. But for a woman, the climax is not in the birth, but in the moment when man rests inside of her.
diary, May 25, 1932
At some point in their career, it becomes obvious that women are more under-promoted than men are in the same field. There are many reasons as to why it happens and unfortunately, the result of this phenomenon actually perpetuates the problem. It's a cycle that's hard to break.
"Women Are More Under-Promoted Than Men & That's A Problem For Several Reasons", Romper, April 3, 2017
Women upset everything. When you let them into your life, you find that the woman is driving at one thing and you're driving at another.
Women still have an uneasy relationship with power and the traits necessary to be a leader. There is this internalized fear that if we are really powerful, we are going to be considered ruthless or pushy or strident--al those epithets that strike right at our femininity. We are still working at trying to overcome the fear that power and womanliness are mutually exclusive.
Newsweek, October 15, 2007
No woman is all good or all bad, entirely "pure" or entirely sexual, or just a mother or daughter or student or teacher or business woman or sex worker. Newsflash: It's 2017, and women can be lots of things at once. Refusing to understand this fact contributes to our culture's insistence on defining women in terms of their relationships with other people.
"Women are so much more than just sisters, mothers, wives", The Badger Herald, March 14, 2017
I have often wondered that learning is not thought a proper ingredient in the education of a woman of quality or fortune. Since they have the same improvable minds as the male part of their species.
The Guardian, September 8, 1713
Be delicate, little wife-woman. Never be without your veil, without many veils. Veil yourself in a thousand veils, all shimmering and glittering with costly textures and precious jewels. Never let the last veil be drawn. Against the morrow array yourself with more veils, ever more veils, veils without end. Yet the many veils must not seem many. Each veil must seem the only one between you and your hungry lover who will have nothing less than all of you. Each time he must seem to get all, to tear aside the last veil that hides you. He must think so. It must not be so. Then there will be no satiety, for on the morrow he will find another last veil that has escaped him.
The Valley of the Moon
A woman you've endured such a gnawing desire for, you can't help bearing a little grudge against, when the ache is gone.
Rabbit at Rest
The woman born to physical subjection and degradation can never seek or use knowledge as her birthright. Never till she holds her sex in honor, as man holds his, can she be his equal, even in her own realm.
Outlines of Men, Women, and Things
Never trust girls who let themselves be touched right away. But even less those who need a priest for approval.
The Shadow of the Wind