quotations about tattoos
I read somewhere that getting a tattoo, "is a journey, not a destination." Maybe as we travel life's roads, we just need to trust the journey a little bit more, even when we aren't quite sure as to how all the pieces of the puzzle will come together.
"The journey in the tattoo artist's craft", Wicked Local Framingham, June 2, 2017
The simple fact that tattoos are always obtained from heathen worldly sources proves that they are of the Devil.
The Devil is in the Detail
Tattoos are not for everyone. I understand that. Someone is willingly subjecting themselves to being poked and prodded with a dozen needles that are permanently digging ink into the skin. I can understand that it can seem a bit heavy. So if it's the pain scaring someone away, that's fine. It's not for everyone. If someone can't see themselves committing to a design for the rest of their life, that's fine too. Again, it's not for everyone.
"Not just a whim -- Tattoos hold a deeper meaning that some people think", Argonaut, June 6, 2017
The artist that did my first tattoo chuckled when I told him I was just planning on getting one, and that would be it. He just smiled, shook his head and said, "Tattoos are like chips, you can never have just one." And he could not have been more right.
"Not just a whim -- Tattoos hold a deeper meaning that some people think", Argonaut, June 6, 2017
The original tattooers of the Pacific were shamans and seers. Purification of the body and mind, strict abstinence from worldly pleasures, and total devotion to the local divinities were demanded of all participants in the traditional rite of Polynesian tattooing. If the tattooer broke the taboo, he would be ostracized or even put to death.
"Tattooed Buddha", Yoga Journal, March/April 1992
You know you're in trouble when you shake hands and your tattoo also shakes.
Charmed and Privileged
Show me a man with a tattoo and I'll show you a man with an interesting past.
I think tattoos are horrible. It's like living in a Pucci dress full-time.
"Karl Lagerfeld's 25 Most Infamous Quotes", Marie Claire, March 10, 2014
Usually all my tattoos came at good times. A tattoo is something permanent when you've made a self-discovery, or something you've come to a conclusion about.
interview, USA Today, July 17, 2003
Tattoos are for life, not just for a season, so if you're planning on getting inked you might want to be wary of jumping on any trend bandwagons you may live to regret.
"The Tattoo Design Everyone Is Going To Get In 2017", Huffington Post, June 19, 2017
The tattoo represents not only a willingness to accept pain -- to endure it -- but a need to actively embrace it. Because life is painful -- beautiful but painful.
The Yips
Tattoos transform us from raw animals into cooked cultural beings.
attributed, Inked: Tattoos and Body Art around the World
Marked, patterned, or scarred skin draws in the gaze of the onlooker, exercises the power of fascination, and lowers certain defenses. The eye isolates and follows the mazy pathways of the design and eventually, so to speak, enters the body of the other, because the peculiarity of tattooing is that it is inside the skin rather than on its surface.
attributed, Tattoos, Desire and Violence: Marks of Resistance in Literature, Film and Television
Painting and tattooing the body is a return to animalism.
The Maxims and Reflections of Goethe
It seems that many people feel that their tattoos are not merely incidental attachments to themselves -- unlike, for example, the way we feel about clothing or makeup -- but are instead a literal part of their personal selves.
Tattoos--Philosophy for Everyone: I Ink, Therefore I Am
Being with a tattooed girl is always like being on an adventure. Men appreciate girls who can make their lives interesting.
"10 Reasons Why Men Are Way More Likely To Hit On Girls With Tattoos", MTL Blog
The words, "please cover all visible tattoos and piercings," echoes on millions of interview guidelines across the U.S. Unfortunately, the repercussions of extreme body modification can affect your ability to gain favor with potential employers, even if you hold all the necessary qualifications, which is wrongful discrimination based on something as arbitrary as appearance.
"Tattoos and body modification shouldn't get in the way of a good job", The Oracle, May 23, 2017
Grandmother used to take my mother to the circus to see the fat lady and the tattooed man -- now they're everywhere.
attributed, The Mammoth Book of Comic Quotes
Tattoo 411: Save your money and go to a reputable artist. Going to that guy who says he will do it for $20 in his basement may seem like a super punk rock thing to do at the time, but as someone who has done this, do NOT do it.
"10 Reasons You Shouldn't Get That Band's Logo As A Tattoo", AltPress, May 29, 2018
If people are honest with themselves when they choose a tattoo, the art will represent them better than anything that will ever come out of their mouth.
attributed, "25 Tattooed Seniors Showing Off Tattoos From the Past"