quotations about stubbornness
Look to it and consider, and deem not
That ever stubbornness excels discretion.
Prometheus Bound
She is so stubborn, her heart has an argument with her head every time it wants to beat.
Just because a stubborn person isn't easily swayed by opinions, or resists the path of pleasing others, does not mean he or she is self-centered. It is good to be able to have a stubborn side so you can stick to your true values without allowing the opinions of others to move you.
"Stubbornness Is ... A Good Thing? 5 Reasons Your 'Faulty' Quality Is Actually Beneficial", Elite Daily, September 24, 2014
Stubbornness is a driving force in relationship autonomy; it is essential to the individuation of each human being--and inconvenient to those in the role of socializer, as every parent of a 2-year-old knows. Stubbornness preserves the self-centered self and keeps a tenacious grip on life; we humans do not give up easily. It is a barrier experience when it is used to resist transformation, but it is a driving force toward development and transformation when it is in the service of the therapeutic task.
Systems-Centered Therapy for Groups
Stubborn people have a mind of their own, which can be a valuable quality in life. This life is our own, and being stubborn can be a very charming quality because having the willingness to listen only to your heart creates a particular magnetism. Deep down, people want to have the willpower to do exactly what their hearts call for, and stubborn people tend to chase their passions more wholeheartedly.
"Stubbornness Is ... A Good Thing? 5 Reasons Your 'Faulty' Quality Is Actually Beneficial", Elite Daily, September 24, 2014
When the Sun and the Storm refuse to yield
Each celebrating power that they wield
Their stubbornness and strength are revealed
And they combine to grow the crops in every field
"The Path"
Sometimes the only hope for a stubborn man is to let the gesture of buying flowers plead his case.
A Mom for Matthew
Never try to outstubborn a cat.
Time Enough for Love
The critics talk of stubbornness
But you're just passionate, you're just passionate
So if I'm wrong again, I apologize
You can take a guess, I'll check out my eyes
It's a common thing, to be out of line
But it's getting old, by the fifteenth time
"You're Not Stubborn", Tourist History
Following your heart takes real determination because the path of the heart tends to be fueled by intuition. It has the tendency to move towards the unconventional and can seem irrational to other bystanders. However, stubborn people move past all onlookers and unbelievers. They stick to their guns because being stubborn allows detachment from outside influences.
"Stubbornness Is ... A Good Thing? 5 Reasons Your 'Faulty' Quality Is Actually Beneficial", Elite Daily, September 24, 2014
Stubbornness is the driving force when survival is at stake.... Stubbornness enables human beings to stand up to pressure, to refuse to be bullied, to fight back against all odds, to endure the unendurable, to find their way out of jungles and deserts, to conquer the wilderness, and to survive concentration camps. Stubbornness is not something that a human being wills to switch on or off but a mechanism that switches on automatically. Indeed, it is very difficult to switch off, which is what makes it such a tragedy when the automatic pilot of stubbornness switches on as a restraining force governing the human system away from its natural drive.
Systems-Centered Therapy for Groups
Obstinacy is ever most positive when it is most in the wrong.
attributed, Many Thoughts of Many Minds: A Treasury of Quotations From the Literature of Every Land and Every Age
Stubbornness is good if we are persistent doing the right thing the right way. Usually our stubbornness is displayed, wanting our way about something, like Pharaoh unwilling to admit we are wrong about something or admitting the other person is right.
Grandma Thoughts
Sweet vermouth now you're telling me the truth
A little stubbornness will work out fine
A bottom feeder at the end of my rope
But I'm wondering where this rope began
"All Over Now"
A stubborn man is one who will not yield to another equally stubborn.
attributed, Day's Collacon
Stubbornness denotes weakness of judgment and obstinacy of mind; and they who assume credit for consistency, even in adhering to errors, doctrines, and opinions, which have long become exploded, and which were originally adopted from delusive views or wrong and mistaken motives, have no right to expect others to be as stubborn as themselves.
attributed, Day's Collacon
Man's worst ill is stubbornness of heart.
I drink in your movements
Your laughter
And enjoy your stubborness
Sensing a seeker inside
When will you admit that you are wrong?
You think you can hide behind your stubbornness
But you know that can't last long
Either you don't know what you're doing
Or you really couldn't care
But your bitter words won't get you anywhere
"Bitter Words", Bitter & Twisted
Stubbornness is often considered a negative quality, since it implies that someone is unwilling to change for the better. However, in the athletic and entrepreneurial worlds, stubbornness -- here, called focus -- is necessary for success.
"Why Athletes Make Amazing Entrepreneurs", Influencive, June 28, 2017