quotations about spirituality
The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it.
attributed, Spirituality: Passages in Search of the Heart of God
You know, spirituality is difficult to pin down by geography, and it is also incredibly private and personal. What I have discovered in more than three decades of study is there are local intuitives and empaths who are deeply trusted by their neighbors, but many folks are simply more comfortable speaking to a complete stranger.
"Open your third eyes, chakras and the rest of your minds: Psychic fair coming to Mineral Springs Mall", RiverBender, July 14, 2017
My vision is to create a new age man, one who realizes that he is pure bliss; who lives with sound spiritual strength in the material world; who embraces anything with totality; who is total not just perfect; who understands that this universe is a wonderful chaos with an amazing order; who strives to move in tune with it and becomes a mere witness in the event. He will live like a Paramahamsa -- an enlightened one! His life itself will be meditative, deeply rooted in the universal consciousness, moving in synchronicity with the power of coincidence, serving himself and others, and producing results seamlessly.
Life Bliss Magazine, August 2009
Spirituality is paying attention, and being intentional on issues of being, not just doing.
"Does how you pray matter?", Quad City Times, July 28, 2017
The seas are not still while the winds blow; neither can a man be spiritually alive while his affections are upon the earth.
A physical man does not receive the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot get to know [them], because they are examined spiritually. However, the spiritual man examines indeed all things, but he himself is not examined by any man.
1 Corinthians 2:14-15
Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.
The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark
Spirituality is a process by which individuals recognize the importance of orienting their lives to something nonmaterial that is beyond or larger than themselves ... so that there is an acknowledgement of and at least some dependence upon a higher power, or Spirit.
Spiritual Dimensions of Health Psychology
The spiritual vision may be lost by non-use, as any other faculty may be lost.
Seeking After God
Spirituality is a clarion call to change in this respect. But the change called for is not one of fitting everything into a fixed framework. It is a change from what is, to what might well be--a change from the real to the ideal. Spirituality is a continual endeavour to bring out the best potential latent in every person or society.
Applied Spirituality
Take courage, in the name of Jesus Christ, and once again assault the great task of spirituality of mind. Was any solid and grand attainment ever yet made without repeated failures? Did ever anyone climb to the pinnacle of human ambition without repeated checks, and hindrances, and disappointments, and manifold changes of worldly tactics? And is it to be imagined that a man can climb the Jacob's ladder of sanctity, whereupon angels are continually passing one another on Divine errands, adding "to his faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, and to temperance patience, and to patience godliness, and to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness charity," without a resolute energy of will, and a buoyance of spirit which is determined to succeed?
Thoughts on Personal Religion: Being a Treatise on the Christian Life in Its Two Chief Elements, Devotion and Practice
Pop-spirituality is a trend created by market forces ... but pop-spiritualists mistakenly believe that an individual, if he is truly individual, cannot mislead himself. But there is a difference between honest and dishonest spirituality, between real and imagined revelation. Because pop-spirituality is fashionable and followers of fashion must follow, pop-spirituality cannot create a mature leadership; it cannot enlighten our lone moment of death.
"Talk of pop spirituality", The Economic Times, August 5, 2017
Spirituality is a henna tattoo
That you wash off when you find something new to get into
Standing in the field with your flashlight blinking
"Cosmic Woo Woo"
Spirituality is a movement away from suffering and toward a way of life that liberates us from the self-defeating patterns of the conventional social ego. To further this movement, we need a new understanding of ourselves and practices to transform that understanding from a momentary flash of insight to deeply engrained habits.
Spirituality: What It Is and Why It Matters
Spirituality is not a theoretic kind of thing. It is interwoven into life, itself. You have to live to understand it. You have to practice it.
"Chronixx Shares His Chronology", relix, July 14, 2017
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
attributed, The Joy of Kindness
Spirituality is not rituals, it's the way one lives life. It's communicating, it's word of honor, it's always seeing the good in everyone, it's the courage to do what's right, it's taking care of one's health. It's feeling.
"Internal growth and political life", Manila Times, July 19, 2017
The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that its center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.
attributed, Earth Wisdom
To me, honestly, so much of spirituality is tied in with art and being able to exist and deal with all the hardship that's just a normal part of life.
"Art is what makes it possible to be alive", The Independent, August 5, 2017
There are in every man, always, two simultaneous allegiances, one to God, the other to Satan. Invocation of God, or Spirituality, is a desire to climb higher; that of Satan, or animality, is delight in descent.
My Heart Laid Bare