quotations about sleep

Sleep quote

Thee are the spells that to kind sleep invite,
And nothing does within resistance make,
Which yet we moderately take;
Who would not choose to be awake.


The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley

Sleep comes like a drug in God's country
Sad eyes, crooked crosses, in God's country
Set me alight, we'll punch a hole right through the night.
Every day the dreamers die to see what's on the other side.


"In God's Country"

Tags: U2

Sleep is a death; oh! make me try,
By sleeping what it is to die:
And as gently lay my head
On my grave, as now my bed.


"Evening Hymn"

Sleep is a state in which a great part of every life is passed. No animal has yet been discovered, whose existence is not varied with intervals of insensibility; and some late philosophers have extended the empire of sleep over the vegetable world.


The Idler, November 25, 1758

Tags: Samuel Johnson

Loved Sleep! methinks I feel thee o'er me hover,
Thy seraph wings expanding to descend:
They fan me now, their balmy wavings blend
Along my brow; strange elf-light things come over
My fancied sight: now thought's unmeaning train
Runs through my mind; and, like a spell-bound lover,
I am enslaved with a bewitching chain--
Loved Sleep!


"To Sleep"

Our sleep is like a rollercoaster going through 90 minutes of sleep cycles, starting in deep sleep and then light sleep ... going across the night. That deep sleep stage is the period where the conscious part of the brain -- the upper part of the brain -- is least activated. If you wake up and are quite confused as to what time it is, where you are, or who your friend is that just woke you up, you're likely to have woken up out of the deeper stages of sleep.


"Sleep is like a rollercoaster which may contribute to waking up confused", ABC News, August 11, 2017

I'm not a very good sleeper. But you know what? I'm willing to put in a few extra hours every day to get better. That's just the kind of hard worker I am.


Whenever You're Gone, I'm Here For You

When pillow talks turn to pillow fights
Remember before you say goodnight
To make up before you go to sleep
So pillow fights turn to pillow dreams


"Pillow Fight"

Sleep of seven lights upon you
Sleep of seven joys
Sleep of seven slumbers on you
In your easy poise
You are home this night
Home of stillness
Your home of spirit
Being and bliss



How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads, to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams.



Tags: Bram Stoker

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep;
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.


Good night, sleep tight
Don't let the bedbugs bite.
But if they do, take your little shoe
And beat them black and blue.


"Good Night, Sleep Tight"

Of all the things a man may do, sleep probably contributes most to keeping him sane. It puts brackets about each day. If you do something foolish or painful today, you get irritated if somebody mentions it, today. If it happened yesterday, though, you can nod or chuckle, as the case may be. You've crossed through nothingness or dream to another island in Time.


Isle of the Dead

Tags: Roger Zelazny

Blessed sleep, kindest minister to man,
Sure and silent distiller of the balm of rest,
Having alone the power, when naught else can,
To soothe the torn and sorrow-ridden breast.


"Blessed Sleep"

For six months I couldn't sleep. With insomnia, nothing's real. Everything is far away. Everything is a copy of a copy of a copy.


Fight Club

Tags: Chuck Palahniuk

Beneath the tides of Sleep and time strange fish are moving. For Sleep has crossed the worn visages of day, and in the night time, in the dark, in all the sleeping silence of the towns, the faces of ten million men are strange and dark as time. In Sleep we lie all naked and alone, in Sleep we are united at the heart of night and darkness, and we are strange and beautiful asleep; for we are dying in the darkness, and we know no death, there is no death, there is no life, no joy, no sorrow, and no glory on the earth but Sleep.


From Death to Morning

Tags: Thomas Wolfe

The great modification which the act of awakening effects in us is not so much that of ushering us into the clear life of consciousness, as that of making us lose all memory of the slightly more diffused light in which our mind had been resting, as in the opaline depths of the sea. The tide of thought, half veiled from our perception, on which we were still drifting a moment ago, kept us in a state of motion perfectly sufficient to enable us to refer to it by the name of wakefulness. But then our actual awakenings produce an interruption of memory. A little later we describe these states as sleep because we no longer remember them.


The Guermantes Way

Tags: Marcel Proust

Far from a passive state of being dead-to-the-world, sleep is part of a complex neurological rhythm that we can condition ourselves to. Much as an exercise regime conditions the muscles, establishing a sleep routine trains the brain to undo the stresses of the day.


"Four Ways to More Restful Sleep", Psychology Today, August 24, 2017

The brain's sleep cycle -- comprised of deep and light sleep stages -- probably played a role in our survival as a species. Most species have this sleep cycle -- it may have served some vigilance-type function. Every 90 minutes or so, you come into light sleep and you're much more responsive to the environment and just awake for a few minutes to check out that everything's still OK, and that there's no danger. Having that type of sleep pattern across the night may have helped to increase our chances of survival. If the sabre-toothed tiger came into your cave at night and you came out of deep sleep, you would probably respond more slowly. If our whole sleep period were deep sleep, then we would be more vulnerable to any environmental changes that may occur.


"Sleep is like a rollercoaster which may contribute to waking up confused", ABC News, August 11, 2017

It is one of life's bitterest truths that bedtime so often arrives just when things are really getting interesting.


as Lemony Snicket, The Grim Grotto

Tags: Daniel Handler