quotations about rock 'n' roll
Rock 'n' roll starts between the legs and goes through the heart, then to the head. As long as it does those three things, it's a great rock song.
interview, Spin Magazine, February 1992
Rock-and-roll, on the other hand, presumes that the four of us--as damaged and anti-social as we are--might possibly get it to-fucking-gether, man, and play this simple song. And play it right, okay? Just this once, in tune and on the beat. But we can't. The song's too simple, and we're too complicated and too excited. We try like hell, but the guitars distort, the intonation bends, and the beat just moves, imperceptibly, against our formal expectations, whether we want it to or not. Just because we're breathing, man. Thus, in the process of trying to play this very simple song together, we create this hurricane of noise, this infinitely complicated, fractal filigree of delicate distinctions.
Air Guitar: Essays on Art and Democracy
Rock and roll is a music, and why should a music contribute to ... juvenile delinquency? If people are going to be juvenile delinquents, they're going to be delinquents if they hear ... Mother Goose rhymes.
attributed, "The All American Boy: Enter Elvis and the Rock-a-billies", Pop Chronicles
Apple's [music] suggestions are not from your buddy in a band, your cool uncle who is a walking rock and roll encyclopedia, or a friend who runs an indie-rock show at the local university radio station. Instead you've signed up for the most soulless, artless, corporate-earworm-driven music agenda imaginable.
"Rock and Roll is Dead, and Even Axl & Slash Can't Save It", Houston Press, January 5, 2016
Rock-and-rollers seem to accept their minority status as given and even to revel in it. Which poses an enormous contradiction, for real rock-and-roll almost by definition aspires to convert the world.
Beginning to See the Light: Sex, Hope, and Rock-And-Roll
Shall I tell you what rock and roll is?... It's restless and rude. It's defiant and daring. It's a fist shaken at age. It's a voice that often screams out questions because the answers are always changing.
Public Secrets
Rock and roll is not a musical genre; it is a communal spirit.
Who Shot Rock & Roll: A Photographic History, 1955 to the Present
Love and equality meet rock 'n' roll in the space where joy -- generated by noise, outrageous pleasure, dancing, and voices raised together -- overcomes judgment.
"Kesha Annihilates Authenticity", NPR, September 28, 2017
Long live rock, I need it every night.
Long live rock, come on and join the line.
Long live rock, be it dead or alive.
"Long Live Rock"
Rock and roll doesn't necessarily mean a band. It doesn't mean a singer, and it doesn't mean a lyric, really. It's that question of trying to be immortal.
attributed, The New Penguin Dictionary of Modern Quotations
I don't want to be turning flips at 60. I see rock musicians who really don't understand how old they are, and it's undignified. I find those people embarrassing.
"With 'Mojo,' Tom Petty happily sings the blues", USA Today, June 9, 2010
Hail, hail rock and roll
Deliver me from the days of old
Long live rock and roll
The beat of the drums, loud and bold
Rock, rock, rock and roll
The feelin' is there, body and soul
"School Days", After School Session
Rock and roll is the music of America, of youth, of rebellion, and of the common spirit that ties all that together.
History of Rock and Roll