quotations about partisanship
It is not the principled partisan, however obnoxious he may seem to his opponents, who degrades our public debate, but the preening, self-styled statesman who elevates compromise to a first principle.
CNN, June 9, 2006
However distinct deliberation and partisanship might be, we also need to recognize that eliminating partisanship is not only impossible, it is undesirable--for to do so would be to abolish deliberation in the process. Indeed, the very existence of political deliberation requires, even entails, partisanship. This seeming paradox is really no paradox at all: deliberation is thought that is directed at action, thought whose telos is a decision. Take away all prospect of action, take away the need to decide or choose, and deliberation does not simply wilt, it ceases to exist altogether. When we also remember that political choice is by definition collective, we can see why political deliberation depends on partisanship: deliberation requires action, which requires choice, which in political life is collective, which (in a democracy) requires moving from "the many as individuals" to "the many as one."
"Deliberative Democracy and the Limits of Partisan Politics: Between Athens and Philadelphia", Political Theory and Partisan Politics
As long as partisanship is communicated openly, as in formally stated endorsements of political candidates or in editorials and commentaries, it is a legitimate way to exercise press freedom and contribute to diversity in the media system.
The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication
My fixed principle never to be the tool of any man, nor the partisan of any nation, would forever exclude me from the smiles and favors or courts.
diary, 1782