quotations about old age

Old Age quote

And now the end is near
And so I face the final curtain,
I'll state my case of which I'm certain.
I've lived a life that's full, I traveled each and ev'ry highway,
And more, much more than this. I did it my way.


My Way

Tags: Frank Sinatra

When you're my age, you have the feeling sometimes that you're seeing the show come round again.


interview, The Paris Review, summer 1997

Mostly getting old is boring. I hate the stiffness in the bones. I was physically arrogant for years. I don't like it now that I have difficulty getting around. But a certain equanimity sets in, a certain detachment. Things seem less desperately important than they once did, and that's a pleasure.


interview, The Progressive, June 1999

Tags: Doris Lessing

It would be a good appendix to the Art of Living and Dying, if any one would write the Art of Growing Old, and teach men to resign their pretensions to the pleasures and gallantries of youth, in proportion to the alteration they find in themselves by the approach of age and infirmities. The infirmities of this stage of life would be much fewer, if we did not affect those which attend the more vigorous and active part of our days; but, instead of studying to be wiser, or being contented with our present follies, the ambition of many of us is also to be the same sort of fools we formerly have been.


The Tatler, December 21, 1710

Tags: Joseph Addison

You read the past in some old faces.


The Virginians

Tags: William Makepeace Thackeray

Next to the young, I suppose the very old are the most selfish. Alas, the heart hardens as the blood ceases to run. The cold snow strikes down from the head, and checks the glow of feeling. Who wants to survive into old age after abdicating all his faculties one by one, and be sans teeth, sans eyes, sans memory, sans hope, sans sympathy?


The Virginians

Tags: William Makepeace Thackeray

For age is opportunity no less
Than youth itself, though in another dress,
And as the evening twilight fades away
The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day.


"Morituri Salutamus"

Tags: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The solitude in which we are left by the death of our friends is one of the great evils of protracted life. When I look back to the days of my youth, it is like looking over a field of battle. All, all dead! and ourselves left alone midst a new generation whom we know not, and who know not us.


letter to Francis Adrian Van Der Kemp, January 11, 1825

Tags: Thomas Jefferson

The world's oldest woman passed away at 116. They keep dying. I think that title may be cursed.


Late Show with David Letterman, December 18, 2012

Tags: David Letterman

Women are beautiful when they're young, and not after. Men can still preserve their sex appeal well into old age.... Some men can maintain, if they embrace it ... cragginess, weary masculinity. Women just get old and fat and wrinkly.


August: Osage Country

Tags: Tracy Letts

After a man passes sixty, his mischief is mainly in his head.


Country Town Sayings

Tags: Edgar Watson Howe

The old are apt to mistake age for experience, and to imagine they are privileged to give good advice, though they may have lived only to afford bad example.


Maxims and Moral Reflections

Tags: Norman MacDonald

Oft am I by the Women told,
Poor Anacreon, thou grow'st old,
Look how thy hairs are falling all;
Poor Anacreon how they fall.
Whether I grow old or no,
By th' Effects I do not know.
This I know without being told,
'Tis time to Live, if I grow Old.
'Tis time short Pleasures now to take;
Of little Life the best to make,
And manage wisely the last Stake.


"Ode X", Odes

Tags: Anacreon

To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent -- that is to triumph over old age.


Ponkapog Papers

Tags: Thomas Bailey Aldrich

There was a time when I quite liked what I saw in the looking-glass, but not anymore. Now I'm startled, and more than startled, by the visage that so abruptly appears there, never at all the one that I expect. I have been elbowed aside by a parody of myself, a sadly dishevelled figure in a Halloween mask made of sagging, pinkish- grey rubber that bears no more than a passing resemblance to the image of what I look like that I stubbornly retain in my head.


The Sea

Tags: John Banville

It cuts one sadly to see the grief of old people; they've no way o' working it off; and the new spring brings no new shoots out on the withered tree.


Adam Bede

Tags: George Eliot

Old men, what are they? Fast fading the leaf,
Three-footed they walk, yet frail as a child,
As a dream set afloat in the daylight.



Tags: Aeschylus

Few know how to be old.


Reflections; or Sentences and Moral Maxims

Tags: Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Old age makes you a stranger in your own country.


Savvy Sayin's

Tags: Ken Alstad

If youth and manhood have been passed right, old age will be the happiest time of our worldly existence; and happy the man that can look back on the track he trod and feel no passing pain, no pang of bitter remorse. There's honor in the hoary head of three-score-years-and-ten, and a crown of glory sitting on the silvery locks of the Christian pilgrim nigh his journey's end. Without one dread, without a fear, he views the grave as, in former years, he viewed his couch, knowing that on the morning of eternity, he viewed his couch, knowing that on the morning of eternity he will rise from it, born afresh to live for ever, a life where there are no clouds or sorrow, no desponding hours, no moments of trial nor heartrending woe; but an everlasting succession of days of brightness and perfected happiness in the Paradise of the blest. The happiest days on earth are the last days of the aged Christian; then let us strive to make our last end like his, to die the death of the righteous, for in their death we behold the truth of Christianity, and the unequalled earthly glory of a ripe old age.


"On Old Age", Short Essays