quotations about oil
The birthplace of the modern oil industry is commonly considered to be Titusville, Pennsylvania. There Edwin Drake drilled his first modern oil well in 1859. However, oil had been produced in Europe and Russia for several decades before. It was in the United States that the real oil rush was born, where it was distilled into kerosene to use in lighting. Oil was also used as a lubricant for machinery in the growing industrial manufacturing sector. Gasoline, as it happens, was an unwanted by-product of refining at the time due to its volatility.
The World After Cheap Oil
Why are politicians so eager to pin the blame for oil prices on speculators? Because it lets them believe that we don't have to adapt to a world of expensive gas.
"Fuels on the Hill", New York Times, June 27, 2008
Now they're saying all this terrorist activity could lead to higher oil prices. When asked why, the oil companies said, "Cause everything leads to higher oil prices." In fact, the price of crude oil could hit $80 a barrel. That's not crude -- that's obscene.
The Tonight Show, 2006
Oil creates the illusion of a completely changed life, life without work, life for free. Oil is a resource that anaesthetises thought, blurs vision, corrupts.
Shah of Shahs
Control over the production and distribution of oil is the decisive factor in defining who rules whom in the Middle East.
The Quotable Hitchens from Alcohol to Zionism
You know how you can tell if a gas station is price-gouging? If the sign says "Open".
Tonight Show, 2007