quotations about money

Powerful to alleviate, to delay, to camouflage, though money is, in the end it lets us down.


The Reed of God

Tags: Caryll Houselander

One must have been, at some time or other, in a situation where a small sum was as necessary almost as life itself, with no more ability to raise it than to raise the dead, before he can fully appreciate the value of money.


Intuitions and Summaries of Thought

Tags: Christian Nestell Bovee

The lack of money is the root of all evil.


Mark Twain's Notebook

Tags: Mark Twain

But the merchant, if faithful to his principles, always employs his money reluctantly for any other purpose than that of augmenting itself.



Tags: Aristotle

There is no sacrifice which men will not make for money. They will face belching cannon, clog their lungs with the dust of coal-mines or with the impalpable powder inhaled in the grinding of steel, become workers in arsenic, lead, phospherous, or any of the other substances so fatal to life, blast with gun-powder, live amid malaria, and risk their soul's peace in this world and the next, for gold. No toil is so exhausting, no danger so appalling, that men will not confront the one and undergo the other, if the stakes are only sufficiently high. "A certain ten percent," says an English economist, "will insure the employment of capital anywhere. Twenty percent certain will produce eagerness. Fifty percent, positive audacity. One hundred percent will make it ready to trample on all human laws. Three hundred percent, and there is not a crime at which it will scruple, nor a risk it will not run, even to the chance of its owner being hanged." Even the preacher's call swells from "the still small voice" to a trumpet peal when it comes from the offer of a double salary. Harassing doubts and indecision vanish like a dew before the logic of five thousand a year and a parsonage. The parish that is made up of rich merchants, brokers, and capitalists, is seen to be "a larger field of labor" when viewed through gold spectacles.


"Money--Its Use and Abuse", Hints on Success in Life

Money is a sort of instinct. It's a sort of property of nature in a man to make money. It's nothing you do. It's no trick you play. It's a sort of permanent accident of your own nature; once you start, you make money, and you go on ... But you've got to begin ... You've got to get in. You can do nothing if you are kept outside. You've got to beat your way in. Once you've done that, you can't help it!


Lady Chatterley's Lover

Tags: D. H. Lawrence

If you want to know what's really going on in a society or ideology, follow the money. If money is flowing to advertising instead of musicians, journalists, and artists, then a society is more concerned with manipulation than truth or beauty.


You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto

Tags: Jaron Lanier

The money that we possess is the instrument of liberty, that which we lack and strive to obtain is the instrument of slavery.


Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Tags: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Money is freedom. Money is a private plane. Money is no metal detection.


Esquire, January 2010

Tags: 50 Cent

Money is like any other virus: once it has rotted the soul of the person who houses it, it sets off in search of new blood.


The Shadow of the Wind

Tags: Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Money is like water in a leaky bucket: no sooner there, it begins to drip.


Rabbit is Rich

Tags: John Updike

Feelings about money -- saving and spending, holding back and letting go -- start very early in our lives. Stingy people have often been forced to give when they were very, very young, when they weren't ready. And generous people have often been really appreciated when they were very young.


"Mister Rogers' Money Tips", The Motley Fool, January 20, 2006

Tags: Fred Rogers

Wealth makes an ugly person beautiful to look on and an incoherent speech eloquent; and wealth alone can enjoy pleasure even in sickness and can conceal its miseries.


fragment, The Sons of Aleus

Tags: Sophocles

Stripped of ideals, mere money making is among the coarsest of occupations.



Tags: Lewis F. Korns

Money ... is the symbol of duty, it is the sacrament of having done for mankind that which mankind wanted. Mankind may not be a very good judge, but there is no better.



We insist that "money is the root of all evil," and behave as if it were the source of all good.


The Maxims of Marmaduke

Tags: Charles Edward Jerningham

One just spends as much money as one has. Very peculiar that! You never actually have any money. You think, If I had this much money ten years ago, I would have thought I was amazingly rich, but I still manage to spend it all and not have any left.


The Paris Review, winter 1997

Tags: Jeanette Winterson

If you make money your god, it will plague you like the devil.


Tags: English proverbs

Love and money should properly have nothing to do with each other.



Tags: John Saul

It is money, or rather the want of it, which makes men workers. It is the appetizing provocative that teases the business nerve of more than half the world; while most of the results of ingenuity, skill, intellect, tact, address, and competition, depend upon its unremitting pursuit. Want of money is the great principle of moral gravitation, the only power that is strong enough to keep things in their places. It is this scantiness of means, this continual deficiency, this constant hitch, this perpetual struggle to keep the head above water and the wolf from the door, that keeps society from falling to pieces. Let every man in the community have, as a rule, a few dollars more than he wants, and anarchy would follow.


"Money--Its Use and Abuse", Hints on Success in Life