quotations about love
Love is the most common miracle.
Will Grayson, Will Grayson
The moment you stop to think about whether you love someone, you've already stopped loving that person forever.
The Shadow of the Wind
Love is like dew that falls on both nettles and lilies.
The ultimate fact of the universe is love; and its sway is all-comprehensive, and absolutely certain of final victory.
Robert Browning
When I think of what true love means to us, I also think of the mundane days of bill paying, chore completing, and grocery shopping. Even though we hate being adults, being adults together somehow seems tolerable and perhaps even survivable.
"True Love Is Built In The Simple Moments", Huffington Post, October 22, 2017
There is hope for all the colored people in this country while one white woman can love one colored man.
The Path of Thunder
Almost all the time, you tell yourself you're loving somebody when you're just using them.
Invisible Monsters
Love. My golly, it sells diapers, don't it!
Goldberg Street: Short Plays and Monologues
There is no evil angel but Love.
Love's Labour's Lost
William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) was an English playwright, poet, and actor. His early plays were primarily comedies and histories and are regarded as some of the best work produced in these genres. He then wrote mainly tragedies until 1608, among them Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth, all considered to be among the finest works in the English language.
Falling in Love, as modern biology teaches us to believe, is nothing more than the latest, highest, and most involved exemplification, in the human race, of that almost universal selective process which Mr. Darwin has enabled us to recognise throughout the whole long series of the animal kingdom. The butterfly that circles and eddies in his aerial dance around his observant mate is endeavouring to charm her by the delicacy of his colouring, and to overcome her coyness by the display of his skill. The peacock that struts about in imperial pride under the eyes of his attentive hens, is really contributing to the future beauty and strength of his race by collecting to himself a harem through whom he hands down to posterity the valuable qualities which have gained the admiration of his mates in his own person. Mr. Wallace has shown that to be beautiful is to be efficient; and sexual selection is thus, as it were, a mere lateral form of natural selection--a survival of the fittest in the guise of mutual attractiveness and mutual adaptability, producing on the average a maximum of the best properties of the race in the resulting offspring. I need not dwell here upon this aspect of the case, because it is one with which, since the publication of the 'Descent of Man,' all the world has been sufficiently familiar.
"Falling in Love", Falling in Love and Other Essays
True love will not brook reserve; it feels undervalued and outraged, when even the sorrows of those it loves are concealed from it.
"The Wife", The Sketch Book
Upon the roadway of my life,
A guide-board I will leave of love,
So those who follow in my steps
May guided be to hills above.
"Love's Guide-Board"
There is little that comes so close to death as fulfilled love.
Love and Garbage
It's a cliché, but also a deep truth (as cliché's tend to be), that you can't love another person very well if you don't love yourself.
"The Top 10 Reasons Women Re-Marry The Wrong Guys", Huffington Post, July 7, 2012
Love is something we all talk about but rarely experience. We get sucked into settling, to waiting, to a wilting dating culture, to hatred and to meaningless rendezvous or "ghosting." Love is dying, and we're all forgetting about it.
"This Is What I Know About The World At 24", Huffington Post, April 5, 2016
One who possesses such immense power over our existence will inspire awe that easily threatens to overwhelm us, even if we believe he will never abandon or destroy us.... Its grandeur makes us feel both powerful and powerless--not just to possess the loved one--but in our existence itself: the existence which we yearn for love to anchor. To be in a relationship of love is, in other words, always a relationship of fear; indeed, the greater the love the greater the fear.
Love: A History
Love is meant to be put into right use full ness. Love is an action. It is an experience. Love is what love does.
"Love is Meant to be put Into Right Use Full Ness", BeliefNet, November 2, 2017
I profess not to know how women's hearts are wooed and won. To me they have always been matters of riddle and admiration. Some seem to have but one vulnerable point, or door of access; while others have a thousand avenues, and may be captured in a thousand different ways. It is a great triumph of skill to gain the former, but a still greater proof of generalship to maintain possession of the latter, for man must battle for his fortress at every door and window. He who wins a thousand common hearts is therefore entitled to some renown; but he who keeps undisputed sway over the heart of a coquette is indeed a hero.
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
A history of listening to Top 40 radio had left me with a ridiculous and clichéd notion of love. I had never entertained the feeling myself but knew that it meant never having to say you're sorry. It was a many-splendored thing. Love was a rose and a hammer. Both blind and all-seeing, it made the world go round.
The pain of love is how slowly it dies.
Evil for Evil