quotations about love

What is commonly called "falling in love" is in most cases an intensification of egoic wanting and needing. You become addicted to another person, or rather to your image of that person. It has nothing to do with true love, which contains no wanting whatsoever.


A New Earth

Some people will only love you as long as you fit in their box. Don't be afraid to disappoint.


If Love his moment overstay,
Hatred's swift repulsions play.


The Visit

Tags: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Love does not seek equals; it creates them.


The Red and the Black

Tags: Stendahl

Love is but a fire that is to be transmitted.


The Psychoanalysis of Fire

Tags: Gaston Bachelard

Maybe love never dies, maybe it hides between our veins that frail our nerves, maybe it is the clog in our arteries that makes our heart ache ... maybe love is like a mysterious stowaway living inside our body that our cells keep chasing but it never gets caught & that chase keeps us alive.


"As I Watch a Love End I Realize, Love is Always a Stowaway", The Good Men Project, March 14, 2016

In a love affair, there is usually one person who loves, and the other qui se laisse aimer; it is only in later days, perhaps, when the treasures of love are spent, and the kind hand cold which ministered them, that we remember how tender it was; how soft to soothe; how eager to shield; how ready to support and caress. The ears my no longer hear which would have received our words of thanks so delightedly. Let us hope those fruits of love, though tardy, are yet not all too late; and though we bring our tribute of reverence and gratitude, it may be to a gravestone, there is an acceptance even there for the stricken heart's oblation of fond remorse, contrite memories, and pious tears.



Swift doth young Love flee,
And we stand wakened, shivering from our dream.


Modern Love

Tags: George Meredith

Viewed from the supposed heights of reason, someone else's great love looks rather ordinary.


"Truly, Madly, Deeply--A Fable Explains Why Love is Crazy", Huffington Post, October 31, 2017

In the religion of Love the courtesan is a heretic; but the nun is an atheist.


De Flagello Myrtes

For what is love itself, for the one we love best? An enfolding of immeasurable cares which yet are better than any joys outside our love.


Daniel Deronda

Tags: George Eliot

Love is kind of like a unicorn -- elusive and very hard to explain.


"11 Movies To Watch When You're In Love To Get You Through The Good, The Bad, & All The Feels", Bustle, December 2015

Love is the impulse which directs the world,
And all things know it and obey its power.
Man, in the maelstrom of his passions whirled;
The bee that takes the pollen to the flower;
The earth, uplifting her bare, pulsing breast
To fervent kisses of the amorous sun;--
Each but obeys creative Love's behest,
Which everywhere instinctively is done.


"What Love Is"

Love gives impetus and fruitfulness to life and to the journey of faith: without love, both life and faith remain sterile.


Vatican Radio, October 29, 2017

With his venom
and bittersweet
that loosener
of limbs, Love
strikes me down


With His Venom

Sappho (c. 630 - c. 570 BC) was a Greek poet from the island of Lesbos. Although most of her poetry is now lost, she was regarded in ancient times as one of the greatest lyric poets and given names such as the "Tenth Muse" and "The Poetess," just as Homer was called "the Poet."

Love is the power that can anchor and transform both our conflicts and our compromises, as we take firm and steady steps toward big and worthy goals. Although we've banished talk of love from our public discourse, we need to place it back where it belongs -- front and center, right alongside high standards and expectations.


"Back to School -- New Statewide Offerings Include Love", Westerly Sun, August 31, 2016

There is no passion that more excites us to every thing that is noble and generous than virtuous Love.


Thoughts Moral and Divine

Tags: Wellins Calcott

Love ... Just Nature's way of getting one person to pay the bills for another person.


The Stone Gods

The moment you love, you lose your freedom, for the simple reason that you have to take others into account. You have to worry about them, empathise with them and feel some responsibility for them. Sociopaths are the only truly free people. That is why freedom is highly overrated.


"Love is ... a torment and a joy. And it's not for softies", The Guardian, July 22, 2016

Tim Lott (born 23 January 1956) is a novelist, travel journalist, and an occasional op-ed writer for the Independent on Sunday.

Woman has been trained to stake her all upon love, to dream and plan and wait and focusu life's Multitudinousness upon love's little glamour. And the inquiry is as pertinent now as ever before to ask is such a policy of life propitious to woman's happiness or evolution? Or, if one may not be allowed to take such a pagan view of woman's destiny, to ask is it essential to the happiness or evolution of man?


"The Fools of Love", The Dry Rot of Society and Other Essays