quotations about love

Love is an amazing magnet.


Traveling Sprinkler

Tags: Nicholson Baker

I am coming to terms with the fact that loving someone requires a leap of faith, and that a soft landing is never guaranteed.


This Lullaby

Great Love has many attributes, and shrines
For varied worshippers, but his force divine
Shows most its many-named fulness in the man
Whose nature multitudinously mixed--
Each ardent impulse grappling with a thought--
Resists all easy gladness, all content
Save mystic rapture, where the questioning soul
Flooded with consciousness of good that is
Finds life one bounteous answer.


The Spanish Gypsy

Love is a passion which kindles honor into noble acts.


The Rival Ladies

Love unlocks doors and opens windows that weren't even there before.


The Neurotic's Notebook

Tags: Mignon McLaughlin

All love is lost but upon God alone.


The Merle and the Nightingale

Tags: William Dunbar

Love renders the proud humble, and tames the fierce; it is at once the most and the least selfish of all passions; for, whilst it would engross the being on whom it is lavished, it will make any sacrifice, or undergo any privation, to insure the comfort of her it would possess.


The Maxims, Experiences, and Observations of Agogos

Tags: Charles William Day

For me, however, if I understand the concept, to love properly and in earnest one would have to do it anonymously, or at least in an undeclared fashion, so as not to seem to ask anything in return, since asking and getting are the antithesis of love--if, as I say, I have the concept aright, which from all I have said and all that has been said to me so far it appears I do not. It is very puzzling. Love, the kind that I mean, would require a superhuman capacity for sacrifice and self-denial, such as a saint possesses, or a god, and saints are monsters, as we know, and as for the gods--well.


The Infinities

Tags: John Banville

Love is the building blocks of creation, love is the substance from which we are made. From love, to love, by love.


"What is love -- can it really be defined and explained?", The Guardian, February 12, 2016

What love is depends on where you are in relation to it. Secure in it, it can feel as mundane and necessary as air -- you exist within it, almost unnoticing. Deprived of it, it can feel like an obsession; all-consuming, a physical pain. Love is the driver for all great stories: not just romantic love, but the love of parent for child, for family, for country. It is the point before consummation of it that fascinates: what separates you from love, the obstacles that stand in its way. It is usually at those points that love is everything.


"What is love -- can it really be defined and explained?", The Guardian, February 12, 2016

We can love with our minds, but can we love only with our minds? Love extends itself all the time, so that we can love even with our senseless nails: we love even with our clothes, so that a sleeve can feel a sleeve.


The End of the Affair

Loving and energizing others is the best possible thing we can do for ourselves.


The Celestine Prophecy

We had known each other for many years; starved together, worked together, loved each other, suffered each other, made love; and yet the most tremendous consummation of our love was occurring now, as she patiently, in love and terror, held my hand.


Tell Me How Long the Train's Been Gone

Tags: James Baldwin

Are you a man? Then don't disgrace your manhood and go "moping" about because a worthless girl has "jilted" you, and sacrificed truth and honour to her inclination for the time being. You have heard that there are supposed to be as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it. I believe there are better; try and catch them, and be thankful for the escape you have had. If you are a man, don't try to drown your grief with the brandy bottle, you might as well drown it in the river; but act like one, and your mind will soon be at ease. Young women, if any of you have been cast off by a thing in man's garb, fret not, you can easily get a better, and remember you have the deep sympathy of every man worthy the name who knows how you have been treated. Parents, it is your duty to watch over your children, and much of the above sort of pain that is in the world endured, might be avoided.


"On Requited Love", Short Essays

When love comes to town I'm gonna jump that train
When love comes to town I'm gonna catch that flame.
Maybe I was wrong to ever let you down
But I did what I did before love came to town.


"When Love Comes to Town", Rattle and Hum

One of the nice things about having a lover, it makes you think about everything anew. The rest of your life becomes a kind of movie, flat and even rather funny.


Rabbit Redux

Tags: John Updike

As a drop of honey is dissipated and lost in a pail of water, so the sweet affection of love would totally vanish through too extensive a diffusion.



Tags: Aristotle

Love is the union between natural craving and sentiment.


Physiology of Marriage

Tags: Honoré de Balzac

It is as absurd to deny that it is possible for a man always to love the same woman, as it would be to affirm that some famous musician needed several violins in order to execute a piece of music or compose a charming melody.


Physiology of Marriage

Tags: Honoré de Balzac

If you do not give right attention to the one you love, it is a kind of killing. When you are in the car together, if you are lost in your thoughts, assuming you already know everything about her, she will slowly die.


O Magazine, Feb. 2007