American singer & actress (1969- )

I only do what my gut tells me to. I think it's smart to listen to other people's advice, but at the end of the day, you're the only one who can tell you what's right for you.


Woman's Day Magazine, November 13, 2007

Tags: advice

When I was in my 20s I wasn't sure of myself. Now I can really stretch. I don't have to stay in the box. At this point I can say to myself, So what if I fall, so what? I'm going to get back up.


interview, InStyle, April 2014

I always knew I wanted to be a performer, and my mother started taking me to dance classes when I was five. My mother is a teacher, my father works at an insurance company. When I said I wanted to be a performer, people went, "Yeah, right." You don't do that where I come from.


interview, April 1997

I don't regret what I've been through. I've had ups and downs, super highs and some really low lows. I've been so blessed that I could never say, "I wish this didn't happen." It's part of who I am.


"Jennifer Lopez: Still Wild at Heart", Glamour

For me, love is the never-ending question. It is confusing. It is the answer, but it is also inundated with contradictions and complications.


"Jennifer Lopez: Still Wild at Heart", Glamour

All of a sudden one day I was like, I'm good at this! Oh, man! People are not giving me jobs because they feel sorry for me! I am an actress. I am a singer. I am a performer. That's what I do! Once I started giving myself a little credit, the whole world opened up.


"Jennifer Lopez: Venus Rising", Vogue, March 15, 2012

I love improv-ing, you know, from very early on when I started acting the school that I went to and everything was very big on ad-libbing and improv-ing and messing things up, so I feel very comfortable doing stuff like that.


interview, May 2005

Tags: acting

I always joke about letting the haters motivate you. Everybody has that in their life, people who doubt them or make them feel less than they are. It just takes faith and belief in yourself, and you've got to dig deep into that.


"Jennifer Lopez: Still Wild at Heart", Glamour

Tags: faith

Obviously no parent does everything right. It's this weird thing that happens where you are striving to be as good as you can be so that they turn out well. And that requires that you be a really great, evolved, aware person in every moment. Which is pretty awesome. But it's also putting tremendous pressure on yourself--which is why women feel so guilty!


"Jennifer Lopez: Venus Rising", Vogue, March 15, 2012

Tags: parents