quotations about honeymoons
There should be a honeymoon for every major event in your life. If you start a new job, move, or buy a new car, you should take two weeks off immediately.
Life Sentence: The Guy's Survival Guide to Getting Engaged and Married
Weddings take months to organize, and there are fittings and invitation lists and old aunts being coy about the honeymoon, and having to have somebody's perfectly hideous cousin for a bridesmaid. And then hundreds of appalling wedding presents. Toast-racks and Japanese vases and pictures that never, in a million years, would you want to hang on the wall. And you spend all your time writing insincere thank-you letters with your fingers crossed, and everybody gets tense and miserable and there's lots of bursting into tears. The miracle is that anybody ever gets married at all, but I bet most girls have nervous breakdowns on their honeymoons.
Coming Home
Women have to be careful to not wear out their husbands on their honeymoons, or they get so weak that they can't go to work!
Thirteen Senses
Whether it's a weekend locked up in a hotel room or a three-month trek across the Australian outback, it is usually a kind of holiday from the wedding planning, a chance for the weary bride and groom to decompress after eighteen months of tension and planning and the stress of a huge wedding.
And They Lived Happily Ever After...
There seems to be an unwritten law that going on honeymoons is like joining the Masons ... secret and mysterious, and the fewer questions asked the less embarrassing for everybody.
Straight Down a Crooked Lane
The honeymoon is over as soon as the bride removes her wedding ring from the dishwater.
20,000 Quips & Quotes
A love affair should always be a honeymoon. And the only way to make sure of that is to keep changing the man; for the same man can never keep it up.
Too True to Be Good
I'll be on my third honeymoon, so I'm more of an authority than I care to be.
People Magazine, 2005
In times past, honeymoons may have lasted longer and involved little expense, the outside world was more definitely shut out, and the partners devoted their attention to each other. Restoring this practice might help get marriages off to a better start by supporting partners' development of a secure couple bond and a strong boundary around their relationship.
The Ways We Love
Honeymoon lasts not nowadays above a fortnight.
A honeymoon is like Christmas vacation after final exams. It is a continuation of the myth you try to create at the wedding. It's totally unreal.
Life Sentence: The Guy's Survival Guide to Getting Engaged and Married
Everyday's a honeymoon. Cuz darling, I love you to the moon.
Write Like No One Is Reading
Maybe honeymoons are God's anesthesia. Like the "laughing gas" used by dentists, perhaps honeymoons are designed to protect us from a bit of the pain and fear involved in doing something that, while scary and uncomfortable, is for our own good in the long run.
Courage to Be a Stepmom
Far from the madding crowd is a mistake on a honeymoon.... Solitude! Wherever you are, if you're on a honeymoon, you'll get quite as much solitude as is good for you every twenty-four hours. Constant change and distraction -- that's what wants arranging for. Solitude will arrange itself.
The Honeymoon
Any relationship with long-term potential has a honeymoon period, however brief, marked by the happy illusion that one's lover might be uniquely perfect. This fool's paradise is sustained by the elaborate deception artfully employed in every courtship: the diplomatic dodging of difficult issues, the careful concealing of unflattering flaws, and the strategic stressing of charming virtues. But as trust increases and each person grows weary of maintaining this initial beguilement, the blissfully blurry lens through which the other is perceived eventually refocuses to a clearer picture.
Sex in the Title
Nine out of ten honeymoons are flowerless. A ghastly disappointment.
Mock Honeymoon
Throughout the dreaded wedding planning process, people would tell me--it's your wedding! It's all about you! Hmm. No it's not. If it were about me we would have eloped a long time ago. Weddings are about parents, about grandparents, and about showing your friends a good time. About looking really pretty. They're incredibly special, I do realize that now that I'm older and wiser, but they're something we do for our community around us, not ourselves. What's great about honeymoons is that it's really, truly, actually just about the two of you.
Huffington Post, October 23, 2017
Honeymoons are traditionally fraught with sexual innuendo. This comes from a time when most people didn't have sex until their wedding night. The night of the wedding, and the days that followed, became imbued with a special sexual aura that everyone, including family and friends, would take advantage of.
And They Lived Happily Ever After...
I confidently assert that honeymoons are useless, dangerous, and ought to be abolished. They are useless in that the only people they profit are the hotel-keepers. They are dangerous to the happy pairs, who see enough of one another in a fortnight to imperil their happiness for a lifetime. Abolition is clearly the only remedy.
Punch, Volume 107
In the blithe days of honeymoon,
With Kate's allurements smitten,
I loved her late, I loved her soon,
And call'd her dearest kitten.
But now my kitten's grown a cat,
And cross like other wives,
O! by my soul, my honest Mat,
I fear she has nine lives.
The Life of Samuel Johnson