quotations about Halloween
I like Halloween. It gives you a chance to dress up like something you're not, you know? Like when the Miami Dolphins put on football uniforms.
Late Show with David Letterman, Nov. 1, 2011
It was Halloween that did me in, that single day when your children turn to you for imagination and creativity, the one day of the year when you must transcend fantasy.
Forever Erma
On Hallows Eve, we witches meet
to broil and bubble tasty treats
like goblin thumbs with venom dip,
crisp bat wings, and fried fingertips
attributed, goodreads
Did everybody have a good Halloween? I'm just not into the Halloween spirit. What I did was I went to bed early after I turned on the electric fence.
The Late Show with David Letterman, Nov. 1, The Late Show with David Letterman, Nov. 1, 2013
Shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen,
Voices whisper in the trees,
"Tonight is Halloween!"
attributed, Ghosts of Ventura County's Heritage Valley
What is Halloween? I will tell you. A celebration of evil magic. Do you not remember the plagues of Egypt and how doors were stained with blood to appease evil spirits from taking firstborns? Okay. So now the ritual is to dress up as spirits of all kinds to go ask for tricks or treats as tributes to evil. Cut yourself to drip blood as a contract for your soul or offer your firstborn to appease a demon. Most people then offered their firstborns. That's the true story. They threw their children in the fire to the big wooden Idol.
Rise Up and Salute the Sun
Double double toil and trouble,
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Halloween is the beginning of the holiday shopping season. That's for women. The beginning of the holiday shopping season for men is Christmas Eve.
Late Show with David Letterman, Oct. 31, 2011
Midnight has come, and the great Christ Church Bell
And many a lesser bell sound through the room;
And it is All Soul's Night,
And two long glasses brimmed with muscatel
Bubble upon the table. A ghost may come;
For it is a ghost's right,
His element is so fine
Being sharpened by his death,
To drink from the wine-breath
While our gross palates drink from the whole wine.
"All Soul's Night"
I was born on the night of Samhain, when the barrier between the worlds is whisper-thin and when magic, old magic, sings its heady and sweet song to anyone who cares to hear it.
Once a Witch
The farther we've gotten from the magic and mystery of our past, the more we've come to need Halloween.
October Dreams
Halloween is an ancient druidic holiday, one the Celtic peoples have celebrated for millennia. It is the crack between the last golden rays of summer and the dark of winter; the delicately balanced tweak of the year before it is given over entirely to the dark; a time for the souls of the departed to squint, to peek and perhaps to travel through the gap. What could be more thrilling and worthy of celebration than that?
Welcome to Rosie Hopkins' Sweetshop of Dreams
The Hag is astride,
This night for to ride;
The Devil and she together:
Through thick and through thin,
Now out, and then in,
Though ne'r so foul be the weather.
"The Hag"
In many ways, Halloween is the most American of holidays: secular, irreverent, and unashamedly consumerist. And as with many American cultural products, it has become a wildly successful export.
attributed, Boo: Halloween's Quest For World Domination
Halloween's coming. Kids get very imaginative in my neighborhood. Last year, three kids showed up as Goldman Sachs executives and demanded 4.5 billion pieces of candy.
The Tonight Show, October 16, The Tonight Show, October 16, 2009
There was ... a serious and weird feeling, on Hallow E'en night, not felt so much on any other night; witches and evil spirits were believed to be more numerous than usual; fairies were believed to be unusually active; ghosts were supposed to make their appearance on this night; and a full-dress performance of the watch in the church-porch on that night was capable of teaching the watchers that the Angel of Death is sometimes nearer than they imagine.
British Calendar Customs
Sticky fingers
Tired feet;
One last house,
"Trick or Treat!"
attributed, Bustle
The evening of October thirty-one is Hallowe'en or Nut Crack Night. It is clearly a relic of pagan times but it is still very popular. It is a night set apart for walking about and playing harmless pranks, such as placing the hotel omnibus on top of the Baptist church or plugging the milkman's pump.
The Best of Kin Hubbard
While Halloween has many fun customs, it is also a time to challenge and mock evil.
Halloween Prayers