quotations about football

The reason women don't play football is because eleven of them would never wear the same outfit in public.


First of all, I wish everyone who loved football could stand in the quarterback's shoes just for a play, because I think it would be tremendously humbling to anyone who loved the game to say, "I didn't -- I had no idea." You can think about what it would be like, and the cameras are getting better at giving that perspective, that one that the skycam comes down and you get a sense of it, but you just -- you don't know.


interview, Frontline, Mar. 27, 2013

The NFL draft is going to be this Thursday. That's a huge night for college players. That's the night they start being paid over the table.


The Tonight Show, Apr. 24, 2012

Spring football is like the trailer for an action movie. It usually starts with slow-motion shots of star actors leaping through the air or sliding to avoid something about to hurt them. Then you have quick cuts of supporting actors who make you say, "What's he from again?" or "Oh, I liked him in that one other movie." Throw in a little plot, add a quick joke, cue a song to get you hyped, and just like that you're in the theater three months later. Sometimes that movie turns out to be amazing. Sometimes it's a box office bomb.


"Cover 3: Final Takeaways from OTAs, minicamp", Official New York Giants Website, June 17, 2019