quotations about dating
When looking for a life partner, my advice to women is date all of them: the bad boys, the cool boys, the commitment-phobic boys, the crazy boys. But do not marry them. The things that make the bad boys sexy do not make them good husbands. When it comes time to settle down, find someone who wants an equal partner. Someone who thinks women should be smart, opinionated and ambitious. Someone who values fairness and expects or, even better, wants to do his share in the home. These men exist and, trust me, over time, nothing is sexier.
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
Most if not all of your relationships will begin with some potential. But as you continue to date, you are likely to learn things about some of your potential partners that indicate that you are not a perfect match. Since dating is more a process of elimination than of selection, this is a common dating experience.
The Everything Dating Book
Only married people think dating is fun.... You have a sweet nostalgic notion that dating is happy and charming, and fluttery first-date feeling. In real life ... dating is like playing Russian roulette with humans. You could meet a nice guy who doesn't want to tie you up (much), or you could meet that crazy guy who secretly posts ads on Craigslist looking for a woman to pee on him.
Crazy Aunt Purl's Home Is Where the Wine Is
Dating isn't fun. It's not always awful, mind you, and sometimes your date will do something unexpected and lovely, like open the door for you and pretend that he likes cats. But the most valuable reason to embark upon a dating spree is for the wisdom--and the great stories.
Crazy Aunt Purl's Home Is Where the Wine Is
Repeat not the manner of a flirtation; for lo, all the world shall hear of it, and women will taunt thee.
The Maxims of Methuselah
For some, dating is best described as an experience to endure until you meet someone to take you out of the meet market.
The Everything Dating Book
Most of us don't stop to think about what to look for in the dating process, and yet the choice of who to go out with and continue dating is probably one of the most important decisions we'll ever make in our lives. It is also, all too often, one of the most unconscious choices made.
Be Your Own Dating Service
Think of this date as a first step. Dating is a process and it takes time. Sure, you'd like to find instant chemistry, mutual attraction, and common interests. That's the ideal. But there are many other possible outcomes. If you approach the situation with curiosity rather than rigid expectations, you'll be less likely to be disappointed.
Dating After 50
Habits and attitudes established during the dating years generally carry over into marriage.
Waiting and Dating
Courtship before marriage is too often like a brilliant short preface before a dull, ill-written, lengthy book.
Diamond Dust
Because dating is a human exercise, it can be a tightrope fraught with danger. You will be dating imperfect people, and some of them are more imperfect than others. In addition, you are not perfect either, so that complicates the picture.
God Will Make a Way
Many a maid have I won by a quarrel, when flattery was in no wise helpful; but take heed that thou art in the wrong, so that thou mayest acknowledge thine error.
The Maxims of Methuselah
There is so much hurt in this game of searching for a mate, of testing, trying. And you realize suddenly that you forgot it was a game, and turn away in tears.
The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
Dating is like trying to make a meal out of leftovers. Some leftovers actually get better when they've had a little time to mature. But others should be thrown out right away, No matter how you try to warm them up, they're never as good as when they were new.
Sugar Daddy
Dating is a give and take. If you only see it as "taking," you are not getting it.
How to Get a Date Worth Keeping
He'd written me up a proposal of why dating him was a sound decision. It had included things like "I'll give up cigarettes unless I really, really need one" and "I'll unleash romantic surprises every week, such as: an impromptu picnic, roses, or a trip to Paris--but not actually any of those things because now they're not surprises."
Spirit Bound
Dating is really all about sex. In the conventional context, this means that the man invites the woman to go through a social encounter, the ultimate purpose of which is sexual engagement.
Heavenly Date and Other Flirtations
Dating should be a part of your life, not your life a part of dating. There is more to life than finding a date. But at the same time, dating is a part of your life, and if your "traffic patterns" don't include new people, they are not serving that part of your life.
How to Get a Date Worth Keeping
Dating is a battleground filled with deception and infidelity.
Decoding Love
When a woman dislikes the man who is courting her, she parries him cleverly, like a willow in the wind.