quotations about confidence

We all intuitively know that confidence is important. Most of us know that if you always struggle with confidence then something is wrong. Either you are suffering from low self-esteem or you are working or living in the wrong place. It just doesn't match. However, did you know that if you never struggle with confidence, you obviously are not stretching yourself far enough. You are not pressing to the edge of your abilities. In other words, the only way to never struggle with confidence is to play it safe. Play it known. Play it in a way that you achieve stability, but lose opportunity.


The Confidence Plan

Quiet confidence is like having your very own spotlight.


Horse Showing for Kids

Calm self-confidence is as far from conceit as the desire to earn a decent living is remote from greed.


attributed, The Book of Positive Quotations

Lack of confidence is what makes you want to change somebody else's mind. When you're OK, you don't need to convince anyone else in order to empower yourself.


Good Housekeeping, Sept. 2009

Confidence is ignorance. If you're feeling cocky, it's because there's something you don't know.


Artemis Fowl

My confidence was of the hothouse variety, carefully cultivated under highly regulated conditions. One wrong look, one mean comment, and my facade would wither.


North of Beautiful

For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught.


Proverbs 3:26

Arrogance is a killer, and wearing ambition on one's sleeve can have the same effect. There is a fine line between arrogance and self-confidence. Legitimate self-confidence is a winner. The true test of self-confidence is the courage to be open--to welcome change and new ideas regardless of their source. Self-confident people aren't afraid to have their views challenged. They relish the intellectual combat that enriches ideas.


Jack: Straight from the Gut

For me, being confident means being in complete peace with oneself. I've learned to love myself and I am proud to be who I am. Treat yourself as you would treat others, at the end of the day you are your biggest supporter.


"This Is What 7 Miss Universe Contestants Look Like Without Makeup", MSN, January 23, 2017

This newfound confidence is like a caffeine high, but we have all experienced the crash.


Your Weight Is Over

If you never struggle with confidence, you obviously are not stretching yourself far enough. You are not pressing to the edge of your abilities. In other words, the only way to never struggle with confidence is to play it safe. Play it known. Play it in a way that you achieve stability, but lose opportunity.


The Confidence Plan

So my confidence doesn't come from not having any fear. It comes from trusting that in spite of my fear, I'm going to act; I'm going to take one step after another toward my goal.



Low self-confidence is simply a problem of Awareness. Once you are aware of the Truth about yourself, you will be able to understand why you are the way you are and, most importantly, learn to love and accept yourself.


The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self-Confidence

Confidence is a good name for what is intended by the term directness. It should not be confused, however, with self-confidence which may be a form of self-consciousness -- or of "cheek." Confidence is not a name for what one thinks or feels about his attitude it is not reflex. It denotes the straightforwardness with which one goes at what he has to do. It denotes not conscious trust in the efficacy of one's powers but unconscious faith in the possibilities of the situation. It signifies rising to the needs of the situation.


Democracy and Education

Does everyone feel this way? When I was young, I was perpetually overconfident or insecure. Either I felt completely useless, unattractive, and worthless, or that I was pretty much a success, and everything I did was bound to succeed. When I was confident, I could overcome the hardest challenges. But all it took was the smallest setback for me to be sure that I was utterly worthless. Regaining my self-confidence had nothing to do with success...whether I experienced it as a failure or triumph was utterly dependent on my mood.


The Reader

Confidence and doubt are like two bulls in a car--either confidence is going to stay or your doubts or insecurities are going to stay, but there is not room for both to remain.


The Confidence Makeover

Having confidence is like having the keys to the kingdom.


How to Meet and Pick Up Women

A person without confidence is like a jumbo jet sitting on the runway with an empty fuel tank.


The Confidence Makeover

Real confidence doesn't disappear when things don't go right.


Real Confidence: Stop feeling small and start being brave

The best way to develop rational, well-balanced confidence is to go after a few small victories immediately following a failure. Whatever you do, do not allow yourself the luxury of wallowing in self-pity.


The Confidence Makeover