quotations about cloning

The six cloned sisters on Battlestar Galactica create an indelible impression, as do sinister stories about cloning on The X-Files. It is hard to get past these impressions, or the toad-human clones on Lois and Clark. People who create humans by cloning in fiction have evil motives and their creations cause evil.


Who's Afraid of Human Cloning?

Laboratory cloning is relatively commonplace in government, academic, and industrial labs around the globe. Every day, scientists use these techniques to answer fundamental questions about life on this planet: How do organisms grow and reproduce? What are the uses and limits of stem cells? Which came first: the chicken or the egg? The answers to such burning questions may someday help us prevent cancer, spawn replacement organs in glass jars, and breed some really funky poultry.


How to Defeat Your Own Clone: And Other Tips for Surviving the Biotech Revolution

Therapeutic cloning will hopefully be the solution for all the problems that have plagued transplant medicine for many years -- the shortage of tissue and rejection. Stem cells lines are basically immortal and with them we can turn them into any cell type.


"You, again: Are we getting closer to cloning humans?", CNN, November 19, 2007

You know, we shouldn't forget that not long ago, there were almost no more fish left in the ocean and half the world's population faced the threat of hunger. Cloning technology turned that around. Extremists won't admit they'd rather people went hungry than eat cloned fish, so they yell about human cloning.


The 6th Day

Cloning can no more bring back the dead than can owning a videotape of a deceased person. Genes do not control our minds and our thoughts. Clones are people made in an unusual manner. But they will have their own feelings, thoughts, free will and if you like--spirits or souls. Replicating a person's genes does not replicate the environment and the developmental that make the person who they are. It is simply impossible to step in the gene pool twice.


prepared statement to the U.S. House of Representatives, May 18, 2001

Human clones will be viewed as arrogant (how dare they imagine their genomes to be superior?) or, perhaps, as cheaters who were given an unfair head start in the footrace of life. At worst, "normal" people may view superior "clones" as a threat to their own existence, as the vanguard of a new species that must be crushed at its inception.


Illegal Beings: Human Clones and the Law

Without cloning, one buffalo would have given birth to a single offspring every year. Through cloning, we can get surrogate mothers to give birth to 40-50 calves every year.


"India clones world's first buffalo", The Times of India, August 4, 2010

The nurse pointed out that identical twins were already clones in a sense, and Mother Emmanuel suggested that the soul to worry about belonged to the person who would have himself cloned at great expense when so many unwanted children were going hungry.


Lying Awake

I think the language is real important. I think to talk about the clone or the human clone, these are slightly negative phrases, almost question begging and kind of like referring to women as chicks. I would prefer talking about a delay twin or even better, a person originated by cloning, just so the language doesn't throw us.


testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives, May 18, 2001