British author (1886-1945)
To be immoral, you must first subscribe to some conventional morality.... You cannot do wrong until you have first done right.
Limehouse Nights
Love released from bond, and unburdened of its fetters, is love no longer.
A Love Lesson
We live, we love, we die. A little while we sing in the sun, and then ... we are gone.
Limehouse Nights
An Oriental smile is not an affair of a swift moment. It has a birth and a beginning. It awakes--hesitates--grows, and at last from the sad chrysalis emerges the butterfly.
Limehouse Nights
When Battling was cross with his manager ... well, it is indefensible to strike your manager or to throw chairs at him, if he is a good manager; but to use a dog-whip on a small child is permissible and quite as satisfying; at least, he found it so. On these occasions, then, when very cross with his sparring partners, or over-flushed with victory and juice of the grape, he would flog Lucy. But he was reputed by the boys to be a good fellow. He only whipped the child when he was drunk; and he was only drunk for eight months of the year.
Limehouse Nights