quotations about books

The book which bores you when you are twenty or thirty will open doors for you when you are forty or fifty -- and vice versa.


introduction, The Golden Notebook

If you would understand your own age, read the works of fiction produced in it. People in disguise speak freely.


Thoughts in the Cloister and the Crowd

What could be better, really, than to sit by the fire in the evening with a book, while the wind beats against the windowpanes, and the lamp burns?... You forget everything ... and hours go by. Without moving, you walk through lands you imagine you can see, and your thoughts, weaving in and out of the story, delight in the details or follow the outlines of the adventures. You merge with the character; you think you're the one whose heart is beating so hard within the clothes he's wearing.


Madame Bovary

A book is a Fantastic Book, though time and space be commonplace enough, though the time be today and the place Camberwell, if only the mind perpetually travels, seeing one after another unexpected things in the consequences of human action or in the juxtaposition of emotions.


On Everything

It is quite too common a practice, both in readers and the more superficial class of critics, to judge a book by what it is not, a matter much easier to determine than what it is.


The Round Table

The reading of a fine book is an uninterrupted dialogue in which the book speaks and our soul replies.


An Art of Living

I feel that books, just like people, have a destiny. Some invite sorrow, others joy, some both.



What's happening in digital books generally is that a whole bunch of rights that you would effectively have with ordinary books -- like I could loan it to my friend, I could destroy it, I could copy a chapter out of it, I could read it to my children, I could sell it somebody else - all of those rights are erased in the digital context because these shrink wrap licenses and the code built into these books makes it impossible for you legally to give it to a friend, or to sell it to somebody afterward or to copy a chapter out of it or in this case, to read it to your child. So what they are doing is using contracting code to restrict the rights that you used to have. The reason they can do this is that copyright law has always permitted some amount of contracting in addition to the rights granted by copyright. The fact is people didn't waste their time entering into those contracts before because they were essentially unenforceable. You could, in principle, write whatever you want into the shrink wrap license selling the book, but what are they going to do? You can't give this to a friend, how are they going to police that? So because it is impossible to police, there is no reason to require it. But now the technology makes it so that you can begin to police it, so the copyright interest says, "We've always been able to add these restrictions. Now we're adding these restrictions and they should be as enforceable as they were before."


"Code + Law: An Interview with Lawrence Lessig", OpenP2P, January 29, 2001

In perusing the writings of sensible men, we have frequent opportunities of examining our own hearts, and by that means, of attaining a more certain knowledge of ourselves.


Thoughts Moral and Divine

Few things leave a deeper mark on a reader than the first book that finds its way into his heart. Those first images, the echo of words we think we have left behind, accompany us throughout our lives and sculpt a palace in our memory to which, sooner or later--no matter how many books we read, how many worlds we discover or how much we learn or forget--we will return.


The Shadow of the Wind

There are many, many types of books in the world, which makes good sense, because there are many, many types of people, and everybody wants to read something different.

DANIEL HANDLER (as Lemony Snicket)

The Bad Beginning

Bog-lights, vapours of mysticism, psychic overtones, soul orgies, wailings among the shadows, weird gnosticisms, veils and tissues of words, gibbering subjectivisms, gropings and maunderings, ontological fantasies, pan-psychic hallucinations--this is the stuff, the phantasms of hope, that fills your book shelves.


John Barleycorn

What makes the success of many books consists in the affinity there is between the mediocrity of the author's ideas and those of the public.


The Cynic's Breviary

I consider books to be good for our health, and also our spirits, and they help us to become poets or scientists, to understand the stars or else to discover them deep within the aspirations of certain characters, those who sometimes, on certain evenings, escape from the pages and walk among us humans, perhaps the most human of us all.


The Notebook

There are men that will make you books, and turn them loose into the world, with as much dispatch as they would do a dish of fritters.


Don Quixote

For some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet or excite you. Books help us understand who we are and how we are to behave. They show us what community and friendship mean; they show us how to live and die.


Bird by Bird

Books were the sustenance of God. And His munitions.


God: An Itinerary

No man living in a world as interesting as this ever writes a book if he can help it.



The majority of the books of our time give one the impression of having been manufactured in a day out of books read the day before.


The Cynic's Breviary

The greatest book is not the one whose message engraves itself on the brain, as a telegraphic message engraves itself on the ticker-tape, but the one whose vital impact opens up other viewpoints, and from writer to reader spreads the fire that is fed by the various essences, until it becomes a vast conflagration leaping from forest to forest.


Journey Within