American novelist & poet (1869-1954)

Give me to drink the poison of thy breast--
Dark cruel wine from grapes of passion pressed--
Till I am drunk beyond delirium's dream
In that dim utter deep where men may rest.


"The Garden of Rose and Rue", The Book of Love

Tags: Men

I am strong to-day, because I have been long with one who is stronger.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

I have never given my soul to the keeping of an earthly body,
And so I can sing at all times and seasons.


Songs of a Vagrom Angel

Tags: soul

I saw a bird on a bough and wondered if he were dreaming. And then another came; the two sat long together and not a note they sang. The sun went down in the west, and the shadows wrapt their veils around the shivering earth; the moon arose behind the mountains, the full-faced harvest moon that turns all things to magic. The two birds on the bough were dark against the moon's gold face. And still no note they sang—their silence thrilled the world. And I forgot the meadows and the hills, the trees and the golden harvest; for I knew that those two dreaming birds were the heart of a miracle.


Songs of a Vagrom Angel

Tags: birds

If you knew the meaning of light you would yourself be a light in a dark place.


Songs of a Vagrom Angel

Tags: light

The hospitality of the universe is famous among the comets;
There is always an extra plate for the late-comer and a flower for his buttonhole.


Songs of a Vagrom Angel

Tags: universe

There are horrors out here—far worse than the horrors on earth.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

As to the use of will-power in your present everyday problems, there are two ways of using the will. One may concentrate upon a definite plan, and bring it into effect or not according to the amount of force at one’s disposal; or one may will that the best and highest and wisest plan possible shall be demonstrated by the subconscious forces in the self and in other selves. The latter is a commanding of all environment for a special purpose, instead of commanding, or attempting to command, a fragment of it.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

Tags: environment

He who remembers, sees; and he who sees, can fly.


Songs of a Vagrom Angel

If we could only remember in life that the form which we call ourselves is not our real immortal self at all, we would not give it such an exaggerated importance, though we would nevertheless take needful care of it.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

Tags: life

Imagination has great power. If you make a picture in the mind, the vibrations of the body may adjust to it if the will is directed that way, as in thoughts of health or sickness.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

Tags: health

My friend, there is nothing to fear in death. It is no harder than a trip to a foreign country—the first trip—to one who has grown oldish and settled in the habits of his own more or less narrow corner of the world.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

Tags: death

Ah, the joy of loving a sleeping thing! All true lovers know that wonder. Sleep is a great magician. His spells are woven in the darkness between the worlds; His philtres are made of herbs that grow by the great river of forgetfulness which flows by the throne of the All-knowing.


Songs of a Vagrom Angel

Tags: joy

Bear this in mind: I merely tell you stories, as an earthly traveler would tell, of the things I see. Sometimes my interpretation of them may be wrong.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

I met one man who refused to speak of the earth, and was always talking about "going on." I reminded him that if he went on far enough he would come back to the place from which he started.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

In these unquenchable desires we feel
The thirsty future's dominant appeal;
And through the fire of our impassioned dust
A thousand ancestors their loves reveal.


"The Garden of Rose and Rue", The Book of Love

Life can be so free here! There is none of that machinery of living which makes people on earth such slaves. In our world a man is held only by his thoughts. If they are free, he is free.


Letters from a Living Dead Man

Tags: slaves

Our sorrows are the golden grain
Of the great reaper--Art.


The Frozen Grail and Other Poems

Tags: art

For me the cosmic aeons lie complete,
O Love, between thy forehead and thy feet!


"The Garden of Rose and Rue", The Book of Love

Tags: love

Philosophy will go on being taught in the world and all over the world. Only a few, perhaps, will reach the deeps of it in this life; but a seed sown to-day may bear fruit long hence.


Letters from a Living Dead Man