quotations about artificial intelligence

Once upon a time ... the only autonomous intelligences we humans knew of were us humans. We thought then that if humankind ever devised another intelligence that it would be the result of a huge project ... a great mass of silicon and ancient transistors and chips and circuit boards ... a machine with lots of networking circuits, in other words, aping--if you will pardon the expression--the human brain in form and function. Of course, AIs did not evolve that way. They sort of slipped into existence when we humans were looking the other way.


The Rise of Endymion

Tags: Dan Simmons

The worst thing we could do would be to imagine that machines can do all our thinking for us; they can't. We are moral creatures, and we can't avoid that responsibility.


"Can A Robot Sin? How Artificial Intelligence Is Challenging Christian Ethics", Christian Today, January 12, 2017

Unfortunately, like global warming, the effects of AI are slow and invisible--on a human timescale anyway. So it's easy to pretend--no matter how idiotic this is--that AI is just a rerun of the Industrial Revolution. It's easy to pretend that each new advance isn't really a step toward true AI. It's easy to pretend that each individual industry to fall is just a special case. It's easy to pretend that something else is always more important.


"Artificial Intelligence Is Coming Whether You Like It Or Not", Mother Jones, February 6, 2017