Scottish physician, satirist & scholar (1667-1735)
Am I th'abandon'd orphan of blind chance;
Dropt by wild atoms in disorder'd dance?
Or from an endless chain of causes wrought?
And of unthinking substance, born with thought?
"Know Yourself", A Supplement to the Miscellaneous Works of the Late Dr. Arbuthnot
What if the greatest part of the pack have run upon a false scent, may not the hindmost dog hit it off?
"The Longitude Examin'd", A Supplement to the Miscellaneous Works of the Late Dr. Arbuthnot
All the politics in the world are nothing else but a kind of analysis of the quantity of probability in casual events, and a good politician signifies no more but one who is dexterous at such calculations.
"Of the Hazards of Game", A Supplement to the Miscellaneous Works of the Late Dr. Arbuthnot
The dumpling-eaters are a race sprung partly from the old Epicurean and partly from the Peripatetic Sect; they were first brought into Britain by Julius Caesar; and finding it a Land of Plenty, they wisely resolved never to go home again.
A Learned Dissertation on Dumpling