quotations about angels
Good angels are fallible ... they sin every day and fall from Heaven like flies.
The Revolt of the Angels
But angels come to lead frail minds to rest in chaste desires, on heavenly beauty bound. You frame my thoughts, and fashion me within; you stop my tongue, and teach my heart to speak.
The greatest thing we can learn from the holy angels is their instant, unquestioning obedience to God's command.
"Existence of Angels: What Christians believe", National Mirror, February 28, 2016
You have asked for help so know that God and the Angels are helping you right now. Continue to ask for their assistance, and then be open to accept it when it comes (and it always does).
"Angel Blessings", beliefnet, March 7, 2016
The trendiness of angels with the public at large waxes and wanes, but in our time, the big surge of interest in angels began in the early 1990s. Suddenly these beings, which previously had shown up now and then in movies and TV but mostly on cards at Christmas and disappeared for the rest of the year, were everywhere. Why was this? The short answer is that there is something about angels that makes it impossible for people to forget about them for too long. There may be phases during which they sink out of sight, yet those phases always end eventually, and the figure of the angel reemerges, interpreted through the lens of the time in which they have appeared back into the light of human interest.
Proof of Angels: The Definitive Book on the Reality of Angels and the Surprising Role They Play in Each of Our Lives
Yes, angels are real, just as real as you and I are. Although they are largely unseen by us, they exist in great numbers.
"Billy Graham says angels are real and appear as ordinary humans on occasion", Christian Today, January 29, 2016
Some reputable scientists deny and others assert that UFOs do appear to people from time to time. Some scientists have reached the place where they think they can prove that these are possibly visitors from outer space. Some Christian writers have speculated that UFOs could very well be apart of God's angelic host who preside over the physical affairs of universal creation. While we cannot assert such a view with certainty, many people are now seeking some type of supernatural explanation for these phenomena. Nothing can hide the face, however, that these unexplained events are occurring with greater frequency around the entire world and in unexpected places.
Angels: Ringing Assurance that We Are Not Alone
We should, can and most of the time do communicate with God directly. To my knowledge, angels are not necessary for anything. But God's creation is abundant, and asking "Why angels?" would be like asking why there are thousands of varieties of trees or stars, when we could get along with so much less. God Himself told us many times that He was sending angels to love and care for us, so He is the one who brought them into our lives. Therefore, even if we don't understand their entire purpose, I vote that we pay attention to them.
interview, Belief Net
For what is it that angels do? They bring us good news. They open our eyes to moments of wonder, to lovely possibilities, to exemplary people, to the idea that God is here in our midst. They lift our hearts and give us wings.
Where Angels Walk
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
attributed, Wisdom for the Soul: Five Millennia of Prescriptions for Spiritual Healing
Angels shine from without because their spirits are lit from within by the light of God.
The Angels' Little Instruction Book: Learning from God's Heavenly Messengers
Cherish pity, lest you drive an angel from ye door.
"Holy Thursday"
When God sends his angel to the soul it becomes the one who knows for sure.
Sermon 9, The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church
Be an angel to someone else whenever you can, as a way of thanking God for the help your angel has given you.
The Angels' Little Instruction Book: Learning from God's Heavenly Messengers
Angels are winged with God's power.
attributed, Day's Collacon
Nobody's perfect. We're all just one step up from the beasts and one step down from the angels.
Half Broke Horses
But now that we may lift up our eyes (as it were) from the footstool to the throne of God, and leaving these natural, consider a little the state of heavenly and divine creatures: touching Angels, which are spirits immaterial and intellectual, the glorious inhabitants of those sacred palaces, where nothing but light and blessed immortality, no shadow of matter for tears, discontentments, griefs, and uncomfortable passions to work upon, but all joy, tranquility, and peace, even for ever and ever doth dwell: as in number and order they are huge, mighty, and royal armies, so likewise in perfection of obedience unto the law, which the Highest, whom they adore, love, and imitate, hath imposed upon them, such observants they are thereof, that our Saviour himself being to set down the perfect idea of that which we are to pray and wish for on earth, did not teach to pray or wish for more than only that here it might be with us, as with them it is in heaven.
Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity
How do the angels get to sleep when the devil leaves the porch light on?
"Mr. Siegal", Heartattack and Vine
If angels rarely appear, it's because we all too often mistake the medium for the Message.
The Angels' Little Instruction Book: Learning from God's Heavenly Messengers
Angels have very nasty tempers. Especially when they're feeling righteous.
Mister B. Gone