American astronaut (1930- )

If, occasionally, my mind gets the sense that the world around me is not doing what I'd like it to do, I may disappear for a day or even a week. That's something I've needed to deal with.


"Buzz Aldrin Hates Being Called the Second Man on the Moon", National Geographic, April 18, 2016

I'm flying over AZ and it looks like Mars. Maybe with a bit too much atmosphere though.


Twitter post, June 11, 2015

My salute to the American flag on the moon was my proudest moment.


Twitter post, June 14, 2016

Neil, who can be enigmatic if he wishes, was just that.... Clearly, the matter was weighing on him as well, but I thought by now we knew and liked each other enough to discuss the matter candidly. Neil equivocated a minute or so, then with a coolness I had not known he possessed he said that the decision was quite historical and he didn't want to rule out the possibility of going first. I was more surprised by the manner of his reply than by what he said, for what he said did have logic. I kept my silence several more days, all the time struggling not to be angry with Neil. After all, he was the commander and, as such, the boss.


Return to Earth

It was designed to have an impact on the stalemate over Mutually Assured Destruction with the Soviet Union. Us reaching the moon convinced Gorbachev and other leaders that the Soviet Union couldn't compete with the U.S., so they revised their agenda. But people have short memories.


interview, New Jersey Monthly, Jun. 2009

Mars is far more attractive as an outpost colony for earthlings than the moon is.


interview, New Jersey Monthly, Jun. 2009

Tags: Mars

There's no doubt that there will be many trials and tribulations along the way in taming space for the benefit of all, unmasking its truths and using the boundless resources available to us. Taking a chance allows us to seek new horizons -- and we all benefit from being horizon hunters.


"Buzz Aldrin: Pioneers Will Always Pave the Way With Sacrifice", Time, November 7, 2014